• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void



Jun 15, 2010
Hey there,

Guess what? I'm new.
Well I've used the forum for a looong time, so it was hypocritical not to join and share my part of things.

Mainly here for my love of psychedelics. I've used most of the things that you could think of, and psychedlics have teached me a lot. I learned to enjoy life and take it easy ! Almost starting with my first mescaline extraction ! Kind of eager to try it out !

Anyway, I'm french but I don't eat frogs.
Waht else?

See you later !
Mescaline hey? I like cactus!
I guess there is no need for me to point you in any directions because you have always used Bluelight, but you'll be able to use the search engine now that you're a member. Let us know if you need a hand learning how to use it, or anything else for that matter!

Welcome to Bluelight mate :)
Glad you wised up and joined, now you can make tons of new friends to share your experiences with. :)