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Insufflate problems.


Mar 31, 2010
Hey there, quite recently, whenever I snort any substance it all hits the back of my throat; causing me to retch, gag and feel as if I'm choking?

My septum seems fine, maybe a little graze on, but nothing big.

(Used mephedrone for a few month.)

What do you think the cause is?

Damaged mucosa membrane? If so, can it heal/get better? I can't find anything at all on the internet.

Thanks for reading.
From what I noticed from my experience is that it only hits the back of your throat in two situations.

If you have snorted to much in which it probably isn't absorbing because the membranes are already heavily coated. Perhaps try using that nasal wash. I forgot what it is called but its that saline solution for allergies.

Or you're snorting to hard, which is what I think is if its causing you to gag. You just need to breath in. If you're actually making that snorting noise while doing lines then you might be doing it to hard. Then again you've been using drone for months so its not like you just suddenly changed it up.

Just my 2 cents.
Can confirm I've done numerous extensive saline douches. (Literally all the way through one nostril, in and out of the sinus's, then out the opposite nostril.)

I even get it when I snort 5mg of MDPV, that's how stupid it is.

I have came to the conclusion I may have damaged the mucous membrane, which fortunately heals. So I'll be sticking to sublingual/oral till it's better. :)
Wow, a matter of days and I've just had a line of mephedrone, ten million times better.

None of it is hitting my throat at all. Thank god I caught it quick, and armed with the know how to flush out my sinus's after every single time I snort at home, I think It'll be fine, plus I've become a master of looking deep down my own nasal cavities :p First sign of them drying out/hurting I'll take another nasal break, and moisturise/anti bacterial them, as well as my saline flushes.