Impending death..


Oct 1, 2007
i first tried amp when i was 14.. i dropped out of HS 2 months into grade 11 to pursue my meth habit with my girlffriend..
It has since consistently been a staple in my life.. although heroin has been my most threating demon for the past couple of years.. meth has been there since the beginning and i am starting to believe will ultimately be the cause of my demise..

for the past 3 years, i have refrained from using meth on a daily basis; instead, i will only use gack once a month.. usually parttaking in week long binges at a time..
although for the past year or so, each month when ive gone on my binges, ive experienced increasingly worse physiological effects each time i indulge that i would have previously never encountered when using..

this includes chest pains, shallow breathing, numbness in my extremeties, my wounds take atleast 2 weeks to heal and most become infected (i think relates to vitamin deficiany problems), i have alot of trouble working up astream when i piss and when i do piss, its never more than a few drops and is very dark, i have irregular heart beats and random palpatations, my skin fuckin hurts, ive lost 20 pounds in the last binge ive been on when i usually only would lose nothing more than a few pounds..

and it only seems to be getting exponentially worse..
are these signs of serious repcurssions to come?
Yeah, your body is telling you to cool it bro.

**maintaining a healthy diet, and staying hydrated will help you tremendously. I know it's hard to drink anymore than a few sips at a time while geeked, but even the little bit helps.

What I used to do is get Clif bars and nutrient bars because their easy, packed with good stuff, and you can munch on them for a long time without getting full. Plus, the salt in them will make you drink more water.

Also, if you are smoking Ice, wipe your face after each session with a damp rag, it'll help your skin out big time.
Another tip is to remember to shower every 2 days at least, make sure you use a good bodywash or hand-soap at the least.
oooo man i was hoping you were doing better lately lol.

if youre not going to stop using yet, you should definitely try to get some sort of nutritional diet going or something.. i know its hard to eat on uppers like speed though. i like chemists idea about the clif bars, maybe get some protein shakes going and a daily multi vitamin too.

are you still working at ups?
Dag ;)

The Chemist gave good advice. Try getting yourself on routine with vitamins and/or a better diet. If you're able to maintain throughout the rest of the month, it's better than nothing!
yeah like people have been saying. its mostly your body telling you, you need to take care of it.

heart palps and chest pains are never good, and the best thing for that would be to stop, but seeing as that probably wont happen, try not doing strenuous things while tweaking. anything that puts extra stress on your heart is bad..and that could even be something as simple as walking for a while.

the yellow piss is a big sign your terribly dehydrated and there are major health problems with that alone. if you start vomiting due to dehydration get yourself checked out immediately, and make sure not to just chug water in efforts to "speed up the re-hydration", that in itself can make you sick.

start taking vitamins and trying to eat something. even salad. ive never done crystal but when i was doing amps i would smoke a shit ton of weed and that always made me want to eat at least something. not super healthy but if it makes you eat, then its better then nothing. i was going through and ounce a week, but it kept me at a healthy enough weight.

once you start with the vitamins and start a better diet, then you should start to heal better. also when i was doing alot of IV coke, i had to put mounds and mounds of antibiotic ointment on all the time or i would be covered in marks and bruises. track marks arnt necessarily the same but when i had an abscess it worked too. try putting ointment on and then a warm washcloth over it and apply a little pressure, it will help open up the pores and let the ointment get in better, it will help heal things alot faster - works surprisingly for track marks, bruises, abscesses, and things of the like - and make sure to put it on more then once a day, like at least 5 -7 times. its worth a shot, it might help.

and yeah as stated above try and take a shower and keep clean. i hope this helps :)
you need to stop or take a rest for a long while or things are never going to get better.i know its easier said than done but if you dont things will NEVER get better at the outcome will be dire.
anything that puts extra stress on your heart is bad..and that could even be something as simple as walking for a while.

the yellow piss is a big sign your terribly dehydrated and there are major health problems with that alone. if you start vomiting due to dehydration get yourself checked out immediately, and make sure not to just chug water in efforts to "speed up the re-hydration", that in itself can make you sick.

actually, i have a job doing menial type shit.. and so i do strenuous activities every day after nights of tweaking.. also i do chug water at work to try to stay hydrated.. didnt think i was doin anythin wrong..

also last week i was violently vomiting for a few hours, though i thought it was cuz i mightve taken an OD..
Dark yellow piss is a sign of dehydration. But dark piss with a brownish tinge could be a sign on hep b or c. The violent vomiting and weight loss can also be a sign of hep. When I had hep I was puking my guts out one minute feeling fine the next. Eventually went to an old country doc for what I though was the flu. One look at my urine sample and he knew I had some kinda hep. It was very dark like watered down coke....................... I don't know if there's any chance you may have hep of any type but the dark urine statement sent off a few warning bells and I just thought id thorow it out there.
well being severely dehydrated can cause vomiting. i had that problem when i did a week long binge on amps. vomiting is bad because it dehydrates you even more.

thats why chugging water is not suggested. it causes cramping and can cause you to throw up, which dehydrates you even more since your losing the fluids. in extreme cases it can cause you to drown, because you wayyyyy over do it. its better to drink say a gallon over a period of time.

vomiting for hours could also have been from an OD - im not too up on my meth ODs because its not around my amp OD you generally dont throw up but have more heart attack seizure type problems - but im sure the dehydration problem could have helped fuel it.

as for your job, have you noticed any chest pains, light headedness, tight breathing when your not tweaking or doing your jobly activities? if not, then i would just suggest trying to take it easy on your heart while tweaking. if you are, then try and take it easy while working..