I'm weak?


Oct 29, 2010
My buddy Lee, a heroin and crack dealer, who is a good friend of mine who I cut off last year because he was killing me with heroin and crack, has wrote me a Christmas letter out of the blue with his new number on it.

He's got his own pad now, before he was living in a homeless shelther.

So, he wants me to sleep over and smoke up with him. I'm thinking of calling him too. What should I do? I've been clean 4 years.
yea bro, 4 years is a looooong time. you won't even be able to look at yourself in the mirror if you relapse.
You use again and it will quickly get "that bad" again. Sounds like you made your choice. Hope it was the healthy one.
Four years of being clean is amazing!! Congrats on that plz dont go and ruin all of your clean time!! U will regret i promise bc u as well as i know one time turns into more and more and onnce again no job losing your home etc... Dont do it!! Im with the other guy take letter and apply flame!! You have came this far u dont want to ruin it i mean come on do u really want to spend your christmas sucking on the disgusting pipe peeping out the window!! No way!!! Stay strong u have done it this long!!!!
Yeah, I second what everyone else has said. Just from personal experience, when I relapsed on dope it put me right back into the hole that I was in before, only twice as fast and twice as deep. I went into it with the "knowledge" that I was smarter and wouldn't get caught; sure enough I didn't last 1/4 as long as the first time I got hooked.

You know where this is going to go man.
cool deal!

can I ask has anything changed in your life recently? Have you been considering getting high again prior to receiving this letter?

The only thing is that I found Kratom as a legal high. It made me realise I don't need the heroin anymore...
Couple things.

If you cleaned up 4 years ago, and kicked him out of your life last year, doesn't that mean you guys were friends for 3 years where you didn't use?

Second, if he's sending Christmas cards, isn't there a chance he's cleaned up as well? By 'smoke up' I assume you mean weed, right? Maybe he's kicked the hard shit too.

Just something to consider. I don't know many heroin/crack dealers who take the time to write Christmas cards.
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Kratom always tossed me heavily back into opiate addiction... basically would get those synapses firing again.

Overdone, I could totally see your story becoming mine. I am pretty good at fucking up my life with alcohol. Shit I didn't even have legal consequences and my life was fucked up. I will readily admit that I often long or wish that I could drink normally. Even though I know I cannot.