I'm an idiot. Quick question.


May 27, 2015
Hey fellas.
I don't want to take up too much of your time so I'll try and keep this short.

Recently my friend gave me some stuff that he had lying around (Untouched) as he wasn't into lifting anymore. I've been lifting for upwards of 3 years and haven't dabbled into anything steroid related by this point.

Basically, It's called Super DMZ 3.0 by IML. I know most people would consider it shitty but It was free so I started taking it. I didn't realize it was some sort of legal prohormone at first and it was only about a week into it that I realized what it was. Pure stupidity on my part for not looking it up sooner.

Just a quick question,

I'm about a week in now.

wk 1-4 = 2 tablets of Super DMZ 3.0 a day.
wk 1-4 = 2 tablets of Cycle support

Wk 4-8 = Novadex 20/20/10/10

Not sure if I should add E-control.

I realize that this is baby status compared to some of the guys on here and I should have been a tad bit smarter as to research but any help would be appreciated.
Thank you guys
Actually, ALL pro hormones are now controlled under the new act signed by Obama in November. There is no reason for the cycle support or the Nolvadex.. You are only on for 4 weeks and the endogenous suppression and sides will be minimal. You'll get more side effects from the Nolvadex you plan on taking. If you are worried about liver health and toxicity, do some research on TUDCA.
^^I agree completely. There's not much need for anything else. On another board I know people who've come off after years on cold turkey and managed to be fine. Nolva itself carries some sides people don't like.
^^I agree completely. There's not much need for anything else. On another board I know people who've come off after years on cold turkey and managed to be fine. Nolva itself carries some sides people don't like.

Not to mention Nolvadex is a classified carcinogen. These days, kids get more caught up in PCT and ancillaries than the cycle itself.
I would never recommend a pro hormone.

One big reason. The idea behind a pro hormone is to introduce the precursors and intermediate chemicals that are needed as a catalyst for the synthesis of the desired hormone that is being "advertised" by the product. The result however is that they can't control every single enzymatic process that occurs leading to the metabolism and thus can't control every single metabolic byproduct that may or may not be detrimental to ones health or even their overall physical performance.

Reason two would be the quality of substances. They aren't made in a lab. I solely use pharm-grade products after learning my lesson with UGL's and their varieties with overdosing products, under dosing, or extremely unsterile manufacturing procedures. Do you want to be healthy and good looking or be on dialysis?

P.S Your not an idiot! Just ask questions and people will answer! Sometimes it may sound harsh or blunt, but it is just because that issue is completely redundant to those with experience. You come here for education and you shall learn. We are all learning here together.
Thanks so much fellas.
So basically no point in doing a PCT from what I understand. Any specific links on TUDCA that I should look into brother?

I would never recommend a pro hormone.

One big reason. The idea behind a pro hormone is to introduce the precursors and intermediate chemicals that are needed as a catalyst for the synthesis of the desired hormone that is being "advertised" by the product. The result however is that they can't control every single enzymatic process that occurs leading to the metabolism and thus can't control every single metabolic byproduct that may or may not be detrimental to ones health or even their overall physical performance.

Reason two would be the quality of substances. They aren't made in a lab. I solely use pharm-grade products after learning my lesson with UGL's and their varieties with overdosing products, under dosing, or extremely unsterile manufacturing procedures. Do you want to be healthy and good looking or be on dialysis?

P.S Your not an idiot! Just ask questions and people will answer! Sometimes it may sound harsh or blunt, but it is just because that issue is completely redundant to those with experience. You come here for education and you shall learn. We are all learning here together.

Thanks man. I just feel like an idiot because I'm actually a cautious person. I've done certain things before (Not steroids) and I always like to know what it is I'm getting myself into. I didn't even bother looking up what I was taking this time.
I've heard all the negatives on pro hormones. I guess I'll wrap this up and take a little break. Put in some effort to learn more about the real deal and jump on the good stuff soon after.
Live and learn I guess.

Thanks again lads
IMO, PCT is always a pertinent part of cycling. However, you will get many answers coming from many different experienced people. Technically you can't tell you legitimately suppressed some area of your HPTA until you got he appropriate bloodwork before, during, and after cycle to have accurate comparisons.

Never hurts to be too cautious. You only have one body. There is no restart button and you have the possibility to cause damage that cannot be fully reversed.
I would never recommend a pro hormone.

One big reason. The idea behind a pro hormone is to introduce the precursors and intermediate chemicals that are needed as a catalyst for the synthesis of the desired hormone that is being "advertised" by the product. The result however is that they can't control every single enzymatic process that occurs leading to the metabolism and thus can't control every single metabolic byproduct that may or may not be detrimental to ones health or even their overall physical performance.

Reason two would be the quality of substances. They aren't made in a lab. I solely use pharm-grade products after learning my lesson with UGL's and their varieties with overdosing products, under dosing, or extremely unsterile manufacturing procedures. Do you want to be healthy and good looking or be on dialysis?

P.S Your not an idiot! Just ask questions and people will answer! Sometimes it may sound harsh or blunt, but it is just because that issue is completely redundant to those with experience. You come here for education and you shall learn. We are all learning here together.

Assuming you mean designer steroid, I don't see any validity in your post, every steroid at some point was what they regard as a pro hormone today, all drugs have to take form at some stage, somewhere, I mean epistane, super drol, methyl tren are all what you would consider or would have considered pro hormones but they have their places in certain cycles
I shouldn't have spoken as an absolute and worded it terribly wrong. My apologies. What I was attempting to convey is that pro hormone such as 4-androstenedione would be considered radically different than an esterification of testosterone.

Example....In order for the body to utilize 4-androstenedione, it must undergo an enzymatic process to be converted to testosterone so the body can utilize the hormone. Thus 4-androstenedione would be considered a precursor and not an actual hormone itself. It simply amplifies the hormone it directly metabolizes into. Correct me if I am wrong please as I do find the world of designer steroids a little confusing and information I come across contradicts something else I discovered earlier, but a pro hormone wouldn't even be considered a steroid hormone. I'm sure a few slip through the gap and are true steroid hormones with alterations to various bonds, but for something to be considered an AAS it must show anabolic/androgenic affinity in some form. I think how pro hormones have tried to escape laws is that they show no anabolic/androgenic affinity until they undergo the specified interaction with a catalyst within the body and the enzymatic process begins?

I stand corrected and probably shouldn't have chimed in. My bad, but I think now I'm just completely confused and am going to dig up where I found everything.

Basically what I perceived and tried to learn is that a anabolic steroid is lipid soluble and acts directly upon the cell nucleus without undergoing a chemical alteration to become biologically active.

A pro hormone is a precursor for a specific hormone, but must have a catalyst to undergo a chemical reaction/enzymatic alteration in order for the substance to become active within the body and express androgenic/anabolic affinity.
Thanks so much fellas.
So basically no point in doing a PCT from what I understand. Any specific links on TUDCA that I should look into brother?

Thanks man. I just feel like an idiot because I'm actually a cautious person. I've done certain things before (Not steroids) and I always like to know what it is I'm getting myself into. I didn't even bother looking up what I was taking this time.
I've heard all the negatives on pro hormones. I guess I'll wrap this up and take a little break. Put in some effort to learn more about the real deal and jump on the good stuff soon after.
Live and learn I guess.

Thanks again lads

A simply google search on "tudca" will yield tons of great information. I personally have years of bloodwork proving the efficacy of Tudca. There was even one instance where I was blasting various hepatotoxic orals for 9 months and had elevated liver enzymes....3 weeks on 500mgs of Tudca a day, lowered my ALT and AST down to the teens!