• N&PD Moderators: Skorpio | thegreenhand

illegal drugs and schizoaffective disorder.

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Aug 20, 2013
I've been thinking that it might be possible to self medicate with drugs. Basically I'm about to ask to have Electro shock therapy. I could do that or I could just smoke weed and drink. I think that there has to be some way I could use drugs to reduce the symptoms I have and possibly alleviate my mood. Weed and alcohol is popular and I think it would work well but there are also the powerful illegal drugs that I could use. I want non neurotoxic drugs or drugs that wont cause down regulation (severe).

There is absolutely no way that I will ever buy drugs from someone. I guess my only alternative is to get a license to grow and go that route.

Theoretically speaking... What drugs could I use that may be beneficial to me? Say I cave and find some "drug dealer". What would be a good choice? Please don't say meth.
Nothing. You should be doing nothing.

With something as serious as Schizoaffective Disorder, many drugs will exacerbate the condition. You should stay as far away as possible from weed, or any hallucinogen. Stimulant drugs (such as Cocaine, Meth, Ritalin, Adderall, Etc) should be avoided by you at all costs. They can permanently exacerbate Schizoaffective Disorder. The only drugs you should be on are antipsychotics and mood stabilizers.

Antipsychotics are things like Seroquel, Risperdal, Geodon, Abilify, etc. Mood stabilizers are Lamotrigine and Lithium. There is NO illegal drug that will help your schizoaffectice disorder. Anything illegal is going to make everything worse for you. I would know! I'm Schizoaffective as well.

Please learn from my experiences. Weed is going to make EVERYTHING worse for you. Don't do it!
So your saying that if you started smoking weed heavily that it would make life shit? What about ketamine?
There is no recreational drug that treats depression (though dosage with ketamine shows promise, but only with very different dosing regimens than found with recreational use). You're barking up the wrong tree.

Also, this doesn't meet our sub-forum's guidelines--please read them before posting again.

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