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If I regularly take prescribed Vyvanse, how will Molly affect me?


Apr 5, 2014
I regularly take vyvanse in the mornings. I used to take 50mg but tapered down to 40mg. However, sometimes (like this week) I take 80mg of Vyvanse. I want to do molly for the first time tomorrow at a concert. So I have several questions:

Can I take Vyvanse and Molly on the same day? (Is that safe?)

Should I not take Vyvanse tomorrow morning (8am) if I want to do molly at the concert (6:30pm)?

Since I take Vyvanse regularly, will I even be able to have a good roll on Molly? (I'm asking because I've read some threads that say regular use of Vyvanse will result in molly not working, yet other threads say otherwise)

Also, how will I feel the morning after taking molly? Will taking Vyvanse the next morning help these after effects?

MDMA and amphetamine is actually not a bad combo in sane doses. Not the greatest for a cuddle puddle, but for a concert you will be just fine :)
Especially considering you are taking therapeutic doses and not heroic doses. In fact for a concert I would always prefer small amount of amp and mdma vs just mdma.

I would probably skip on the Vyvanse the day after mdma, simply because if you drain all serotonin, you want to reduce the chance of DA being uptaken by SERT transporters. DA it toxic to SERT. Take some vitamin C instead.
As long as your not taking vyvanse in recreational style doses you will be ok, just keep an eye on your body because your BP could be an issue.
So if I am prescribed 60mg Vyvanse and regularly take it at 6am or before noon in the morning, is it okay for me to take the Vyvanse at 6am and take the Molly at about 11 or midnight the same day. How long will the MDMA stay in my system. What are the risks and possibly some tips?
So if I am prescribed 60mg Vyvanse and regularly take it at 6am or before noon in the morning, is it okay for me to take the Vyvanse at 6am and take the Molly at about 11 or midnight the same day. How long will the MDMA stay in my system. What are the risks and possibly some tips?

You should be ok but might experience a larger amount of stimulation than just MDMA alone. The MDMA will stay in your system for like 8 hours where it's just significantly tailed off. Your planned schedule shouldn't cause too many issues since the time between the two is long and MDMA + amp combos are not overly dangerous in reasonable doses anyway.

The main risks are over-stimulation (sweating, pounding heart beat, high blood pressure, anxiety/paranoia). This can lead to dehydration so just make sure you're drinking some water. A few bottles over the course of a night should be fine (unless you're really sweating). But I honestly wouldn't worry too much about this providing you keep your MDMA dose low (100-150mg).
I've used the combination.

I'm noy sure if it was a coincidence, it could be due to other factors reducing euphoria the times I've been on vyvanse.

Vyvanse gives a softer top than other methamf/amfs, if it is a dose you are used to, my guess is that it won't give much push. But take it, so you don't have to start the mdma with a dopamine crash.

For me it is best to do mdma or lsd when meds work best, in the therapeutic window. But I started with zero or very little, every time it messed up the trip or roll because my ability to regulate my hyperactivity and concentration went out the window. Not able to be still for a second, changing thought every 4 seconds. It's exhausting, even in euphoric mode.

When I tried shrooms I wrote down my "insights". Repeatidly I wrote: remember to take adhd meds before tripping. It developed to the use more and more capital letters, and that I should take the full dose. I also wrote that it was fun, and should repeat this, even if it wasnt "medical". I also wrote that it is a very good habit to put kettle water on a thermos each morning.

Mdma/shrooms/lsd, basically any drug high except stimulants increases adhd symptoms a lot in me. Jumbled thoughts or hyperactivity. Mdma gives me both if I don't combine with meds.

If I could get some instant release stimulants I'd prefer that over vyvanse when rolling. (Because its easier to adjust during the roll.)

Also, i used to be on much higher dose and on Ritalin, but I reduced dose a lot and swapped to Vyvanse. It could be that lower medical dose that makes mdma less potent for me. It should normally work, dexamph and mdma.
Sorry, I'm baked at the moment.
I have adhd, and have used mdma both with Ritalin and vyvanse, and im talking about "therapeutic doses that makes me normal functions" vs mdma alone, which makes me unable to keep physically still even for a few seconds, and brain is a colourful love-mash, constantly switching tv-channel.

Having adhd we are likely to have to fast reuptake of dopamine. Adhd brains will perhaps get out if the induced euphoria (1st wave) faster than others, without meds? Particularly if one induse dopamine crash beforehand, and have faster reuptake.

I've read lots online about stimulants combined with adhd medication. My experience is that recommendations seems to fit recreational use. I get that speedy feeling and tense muscles when not taking my meds. I have never found them to be the best solution for me.

That's my experience. Others with ADHD can have different reactions.

Which you, medicated or without, would be the nest one for your drug/setting?
Here's my 2 cents worth:

If you are already taking other prescribed drugs then I'm presuming you already have some sort of issue to be on them in the first place. Taking MDMA (i.e more drugs) is just asking for more trouble. In fact its asking for trouble even if you aren't on any other prescription drugs. Go to whatever event it is and enjoy yourself without the drugs - they create a "fake" feeling of happiness anyway in my opinion. This advice comes from someone who has taken lab tested MDMA on multiple occasions before, in what I thought was safe doses and now regret ever touching the stuff.

Considering this is supposedly a harm reduction site, I'm surprised at how little I see posts advising not to take the drug in the first place (hardly ever) and how often I see other drug users recommending / advising people on how to get the best high etc. without advising against it in the first place.

I await the flaming for doing the right thing.
Considering this is supposedly a harm reduction site, I'm surprised at how little I see posts advising not to take the drug in the first place (hardly ever) and how often I see other drug users recommending / advising people on how to get the best high etc. without advising against it in the first place.

Can you not see the irony of that entire sentence? The whole point of 'Harm Reduction' is advising people on how to take them safely. It goes against the idea of HR to simply suggest 'don't take them', and we know that kind of philosophy doesn't work on many people anyway. If people want to take drugs, they will. That's why HR is here. Maybe in your experiences it was never worth touching the substance, but many others (including myself), do not regret taking MDMA and I've been doing it for about 5 years now. I'd say I don't regret it because of BL and how it educated me to use the drug safely so I never experience negative side effects.

I await the flaming for doing the right thing

I'm right on cue ;)
Brenner; you definitely have a point, and having experienced the negative consequences yourself, your point of view is definitely valid. You deserve no flaming :)

I believe in advicing harm reduction rather than abstention, even for people with higher risk profile, because abstention doesn't work. War on drugs and abstention have proven its inefficiecy for decades. We are still stuck with an illegal distribution with the increased risk that gives, in addition we also get users with little knowledge of how to mitigate risk while using.

I believe in education. People will make their own decisions, making those decisions informed, so they are aware of the risk they take, seems better than not knowing the risk.

I'm on prescribed Vyvanse, and when people are on such meds it indicates ADD or ADHD. Being on such meds means that in one aspect it's safer, given our bodies are used to medical use of stimulants, we have been screened for heart conditions. Second, the said diagnosis is a strong indicator of being waterproof for the 'abstain' argument. Third, in my own experience, I'm safer doing *anything* on my meds than without, because if I don't take my meds and do drugd, I completely forget to think that perhaps this party should end. Without ADHD meds I do more mdma/shrooms/alcohol /whatever. I've even done drugs impulsive, at 11 pm at home (shrooms), plan was to watch TV and go to bed. Gueds who's adhd meds ran out, lol. Perhaps I forgot to take some, I don't know.

My point is; being on more drugs at the same time does elevate the risk somewhat ; if it's drug binging it elevates the risk a lot more. But having one drug in your system at medical levels, that allows you to use your common sense and consider risk, can be safer than the other option. Drug toxicity is a factor that always should be considered for each individual, but with the experience of having adhd my entire life: it's not drug toxicity that has caused me the greatest harm, it's the "wtf was I thinking, how could that seem like a sane thing to do, all kinds of things could have gone wrong!". Even as an adult, when I get drunk or use drugs; without adhd meds my brain literally skips the entire risk assessment phase. It's not on my mind AT ALL.

For the love of all that is good; it's not only drug toxicity that is dangerous.

So between Brenner and I, we have both valid experiences we can share, and none of the other reading this will be exactly like him or me. I think Brenner should keep sharing his experiences, and I we all should do the same. By adding nuances to the how, where and why, we allow others to learn from it.

People inclined to take drugs, and to take risks, are still inclined to do so even if they are told not to do it at all. The government aren't able to stop citizens from taking drugs, and they REALLY TRIED for decades. What we can do is to provide information, so that their personal risk/benefit analysis gets as much information as possible.

I appreciate people sharing the bad experiences they have had. I believe we all benefit from this reminder; the safest possible use is never risk free. There is still a lot of research needed, and people's individual conditions, mentally or physically, and the setting of use, can increase or reduce risk.

Wall of text, again.*sigh*