I was bored and wrote a stupid song about Bluelight...

/me smiles and humbly accepts all the praise.
Well, I feel inspired now! I want to find a karaoke version of this song and sing these lyrics to it to make an MP3. For any of you who have driven around in my Jeep with me, you all know how fucking bad my voice is - so I think it would be perfectly fitting for a song that was spawn of boredom and sleep deprivation. :) If anyone knows where I could find just such a version please let me know!
Anyway, glad you guys dug it! :)
That is fucking awesome. Didn't make me laugh though, made me kind of nostalgic in that bittersweet way.
Someone please make that into an MP3 with the actual original American Pie music in the background. I'll pay to download it
I second that! You could then store it as a MIDI file and the mods could make it so that it played everytime anyone logged on to Social...
Have you tried the drug of Love
And do you have some glowsticks I could take hold of
When the DJ tells me so
And do you believe in the K-hole
Can trippin' heal your mortal soul
And can you teach me tricks on how to blow up my roll
OMG! too funny! love it!
not that there is anything wrong with that!
i busted out laughing at that line... actually i'm watching seinfeld as i write this.
great stuff though, i definitely dig it. and that must've taken quite a while. this should be archived ASAP!
(and wooo weee i got mentioned!)
By popular demand... moving to the lounge archives. Thanks guys, I feel special! :)