I need some advice about rolling tonight


Nov 11, 1999
I am going to take 2 E's tonight. I am not going to a rave or a party i am just going to be with my boyfriend at home. I was wondering if anyone out there knew what we could do at home? Like maybe you can recomend a good movie to watch or something new to try. I am open to everything. Please help
1. Sit down face to face and just stare at each other.
2. Rub ice on your lips and kiss each other.
3. Share candy.
4. Kiss and Massage each other.
5. Just lay together and let your mind tell you what feels good.
"Create Your Own Ecstasy"
Never done this cuz i am not usually home when i drop, but how about this for an idea? If you can, find one of those laser generators that changes according to music beat. Dim all the lights, drop, and as you two are peaking, go take a shower together (lots of soap) and lather each other well with strong hand massages, then have your bed already set up with a freaking ton of soft pillows, a thick super super soft comforter with nice chilly sheets (leave the window open with covers open while you're in the shower), and just have some great smelling candles in the background burning, have some great roll music, lights off, and just lay in bed watching the laser show on the ceiling while in bed butt naked breathing deeply. Here is the big theme of the night though....after you drop, you are not allowed to say one word to each other til morning..only use deep long stares into each others eyes, long embraces and passionate kisses. See if you've bonded and fallen more in love in the morning.
once again my two bits
Go by an electric massager they are fairly inexpensive. But before playing w/ that...take a hot bath together w/ lots of holding each other and massaging. Play music you both like. Oh, I know, get into a wrestling match. Ooh, another idea, I'm making these up as I go along, go to Walmart and get one of those Vicks steam thingies and run it while you're bathing. I need to find a female to date that rolls so I can try some of these
Anyway, the sitting staring at each other is a great bonding tool, as you begin to share one another's energy. Slow, firm temple massages are a must, as well as a good foot massage, use lotion. Don't forget to share how it went...these stories make us all feel warm inside.
"Tis better to understand what you hate, than to hate what you don't understand."
Thanks for the great advice from all of you that responded. I am going to try it all tonight. as for TBritton, i hope that you can find a girl for yourself that will roll with you. You sound so Romantic. Actually all the responses were so romantic. I wish that me and my boyfriend ould come up with these stuff. Who ever wrote back guys or girls, who ecer you will be with in the future is a lucky person because Romance is the key. you are lucky to have that key as a lot of people do not.
Thanks again
i just had the greatest idea for home rolling!!! never tried it myself, but here it is: try putting a load of laundry in the dryer and then sitting on the top of the dryer. the heat will feel amazing , and the vibrations will be even better. it'll be like getting a hot ass massage. hell, "hot ass massage" is a great phrase isn't it. i think i'm going to see if i can get the phrase copyrighted!! stroke of genius.
anyways, let me know if you end up trying it

And the end of all our exploring/Will be to arrive where we started
/And to know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot
"In the war on drugs, I'm a conscientious objector" -- brand-x