I know this has been asked before but I can't find the answers PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!

Diablo's Xstasy

Oct 25, 1999
How long can E be detected in your system? My boyfriend will be having a drug test soon and he did e and K with me this past weekend. So do they test for e & K? And how long does it last in your system before its all out?
Also where can I find info to back up whatever people say... He already told me he doesn't want heresay he wants me to find info already printed about this in articles and stuff, but I can't seem to find any info anywhere, PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!! I'm Desperate!!
E is supposed to be 48-72 hours, it will show up as amphetamine. I don't know about K. go to www.erowid.org. Click plants and drugs and then scroll down to Testing Info. All the info you could ever want is there.
Everybody thinks I'm high... and I am