• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

howdy, kids & squids~


Oct 22, 2023
Hey everyone~ long time lurker but first time poster here. I'm Liam; I'm in my mid 20s and I suppose I live just about in the middle of the East coast of the US as well, hah. I spend a lot of my time playing bass & volunteering for my local harm reduction chapter. Think at this point I've done just about every drug under the sun, most notably though I had a hefty IV heroin dependence during the start of the pandemic which nearly killed me. These days I've been off the opiates since summer of '21, but that's not to say I'm completely sober of drugs other than that by any means. Figured I'd finally get around to making an account on here both just to entertain myself while I'm wasting time on the internet & to offer what I know in the ways of harm reduction as well. 🤠