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Opioids How to prevent bruising and scarring from IV use of drugs?

I want to be that guy that no one wants to hear but... Sometimes we don't use fresh needles every time. Why? Because fuck you, that's why - oh, and need to get high is blinding.

And I, myself, have only 2-3 places I can rotate, so... yeah. It happens I usually don't rotate much... (instead I try to take long breaks between binges)

So my tricks and tips that should help:
-someone said somewhere here on BL that 1000mg of ibuprofen helps to prevent bruising (dunno why, but remembered)
-I use different gels. If it's been, let's say, not a smooth ride, I use Diclac, Ibuprofen gel and Lioton1000 gel.
-Every day I use at least once (incl clean periods) Contractubex to help with scarring.
-To avoid bruises be sure to RELEASE THE TOURNIQUET after you've registered but before you inject.
-I'm sure you know about keeping needle hole upwards and about 45 degree angle when going in.
-The second you pierce the skin, pull back and then keep gently going in. This way you see INSTANTLY when you've hit the vein.
-Touch, touch, touch. Touch your vein, get the feel before going in, find out which way it will probably "escape" and take that into consideration.
-And every next hit - if you use the same vein - should be closer to your heart from last injection site, that means - keep moving upwards.

But here I am, hands bruised once again. In theory I am the drug yoda (Droda, if you will), in practice... um... yeah.

Good luck! Keep safe!
I want to be that guy that no one wants to hear but... Sometimes we don't use fresh needles every time. Why? Because fuck you, that's why - oh, and need to get high is blinding.

And I, myself, have only 2-3 places I can rotate, so... yeah. It happens I usually don't rotate much... (instead I try to take long breaks between binges)

So my tricks and tips that should help:
-someone said somewhere here on BL that 1000mg of ibuprofen helps to prevent bruising (dunno why, but remembered)
-I use different gels. If it's been, let's say, not a smooth ride, I use Diclac, Ibuprofen gel and Lioton1000 gel.
-Every day I use at least once (incl clean periods) Contractubex to help with scarring.
-To avoid bruises be sure to RELEASE THE TOURNIQUET after you've registered but before you inject.
-I'm sure you know about keeping needle hole upwards and about 45 degree angle when going in.
-The second you pierce the skin, pull back and then keep gently going in. This way you see INSTANTLY when you've hit the vein.
-Touch, touch, touch. Touch your vein, get the feel before going in, find out which way it will probably "escape" and take that into consideration.
-And every next hit - if you use the same vein - should be closer to your heart from last injection site, that means - keep moving upwards.

But here I am, hands bruised once again. In theory I am the drug yoda (Droda, if you will), in practice... um... yeah.

Good luck! Keep safe!

Ibuprofen is an anti-inflammatory. While it will reduce inflammation, you must remember the area is inflamed (read:bruised) because you're stupid ass has damaged the vein tissue, and its cleaning up your mess. Inflammation is a crucial step of the healing process, not just a side-effect. Any depression or reduction of the inflammation will interfere with the body's natural healing process. I'd say don't. I currently take an anti-inflammatory medication for inflammation of my ankle, and the fact that i've depressed the natural inflammatory process of my body means that i take twice as long, literally, to recover from cuts, scrapes and bruises.

And, please, someone correct me if i'm wrong, but the best way to reduce trauma to the vein is to only register your spike when you're in the vein, not as you're entering the skin. your veins are extremely sensitive, and any unecessary jiggling or movement, or suction whatsoever, in the vein area will manifest itself in bruises. I think also its better not to use a tourniquet if you can hit the vein without it.

Sorry man, but you sound like someone who's trying to save themself from the rain by hiding under a tree. just bring an umbrella (read:ALWAYS A FRESH SPIKE. ALWAYS ROTATE. OBSERVE PROPER IV TECHNIQUE) , or you WILL get bruised.
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vitamin E oil helps also don't hit the same spot more than once or twice a week
Any depression or reduction of the inflammation will interfere with the body's natural healing process. I'd say don't. I currently take an anti-inflammatory medication for inflammation of my ankle, and the fact that i've depressed the natural inflammatory process of my body means that i take twice as long, literally, to recover from cuts, scrapes and bruises

Dude, thanks, I hadn't no idea about that. Makes sense though - it's not suggested to take paracetamol when your fever is under 38c to give your body time to fight by itself. So thanks, I now know better.

And I always forget to add the disclaimer that what I do, well, is mostly stupid. But at least I try to get good on theory. And be stupid... More educatedly. Um... Time to log out before everything I type starts turning into inappropriate jokes.

Stay safe!
i feel you man, don't worry. but knowledge is power, you know? i rarely use proper injecting procedure, cos, can't wait that extra 10 minutes, you know?

i mean when it comes down to it, if i followed my own advice i'd be in a much better physical state than i am now.
I have always said: how fucking stupid would it be if we die healthy?

So maybe being educatedly stupid but mostly doing awesome things and some awesome things moderately... Could work as a philosophy. Or, well, excuse. :)

PS. I prefer to be called suffered rather than man. After all, I recently named my breasts Double Danger.
Personally, I think most addicts are intelligent. Not just intellectually, but street-smart as well.

We simply put forth an aura of ignorance because we appear to have no foresight or thought for consequence. But really, we do. It's stupid to say we didn't think of tomorrow, because we did. We just didn't give a fuck.

It saddens me when I see junkies who, if brought up in a more supportive environment, would be capable of great things. We are a resourceful, cunning bunch. If our energies were devoted to other things, we would be unstoppable.

We are wild, passionate, energetic and thoughtful. We are just caged by our addiction.
I need some help or opinions. I have been injecting heroin and I now have these red cysts and bumps that are tender not too hot but just hurts when hit or scraped and itchy when touched even gentally. anyways some of them have this blackish tiny dot in the tip of it. So I read that it's probably debris from injecting. And it should probably be drained or to attempt removing the debriis. Well will it help when the wound is open to use hydrogen peroxide to help remove the dirt and bacteria? I CANNOT go to the doc as I'm on a pain contract with them due to my fibromyalgia and chronic pain.can anyone help me?
This post was written so long ago I can only hope the BL'er who posted this comment knows that this very short comment on a random message board moved me. I lookin the mirror and can't believe that I am trollling the web looking for advice on how to prevent/ clear up the bruising on my arms from shooting heroin. I first tried dope 2 years ago at the age of 32. Never did I imagine I would be a 'junkie'

With an extreme fear of needles my whole life I'd never imagine I would be sitting here looking at my bag of 50+ used syringes, which I average 20-30 shots a day now, and wrapping and bagging them up so I can dispose of them somewhere my mother won't find them ( she now goes through my trash)

I am college educated from a top university, have had extreme success to A point of most people would not believe. I stopped modeling because of losing my fiance in a car accident and subsequently not giving a fuck and using dope.

As you say a lot of us just stop caring and become lazy and are starting to just not give a shit about the damage thy have done to their skin and body.

I learned from someone who, after reading dozens of posts online, had very unsanitary and poor technique. I was taught to tie the tourniquet as tight as posssible and releasing AFTER injection. I have been IV'ing for less than a year and my arms look like the arms of someone who has done a lifetime of junk.

I now try my best at releasing the tourniquet,which I do find very difficult at times, befor injection. I try to use a new pin every single time and that is what makes the biggest difference

I now have been using these silicone scar strips (the brand is 'scaraway from any pharmacy)that look like a bandaid that you wear them. These have helped significantly, when I wake up I can see my scars healing and if I could only get through a day or two of not poking that spot the area would be on its ay to recovery.

Anyhow, sorry for the rang if anyone reads this, just want to say, just because we fell and are at this point in our life does NOT define us. We are not bad people, we are people who are victim to a chemical imbalance and a disease I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.

Getting clan can be done and we can still succeed and let the passionate wild energetic smart successful person out of this cage. But for now I do appreciate this community of people who know what I am going through. It feels so good to know i am not alone, thank you for this positive comment. You put a smile on my face and hope one day you read this and know you inspired someone to work on changing!
20 to 30 a day, huh? What are you doing, just shooting lots of coke or something?