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How To Enjoy LSA?


Mar 10, 2015
I have had one LSA trip in the past. A brief narrative is as follows:

I ingest 9 Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds at around 8pm, chewing thoroughly. At 9pm, I wonder when I'm going to start feeling the come on. By 10:30, I am thinking these must be fake / bunk seeds. I am laying in my bed. I give up and fall asleep.

At 11:30, I wake up and realize that my heart rate is absolutely skyrocketing. Impossibly fast. 250 maybe. Felt like 1000. I turn on some music to try to calm myself down (Crosby, Stills, and Nash Greatest Hits). This produces an endorphin reaction or something which causes my heart rate to go even faster

(*Oooouurr House. Is a very very very very very fine house*)

This is quickly turning into the worst, most intense panic attack I have ever had on any drug, ever. I have never felt fear like this. I cannot move. I cannot speak, I am so overcome with pure terror.

(Heart: *bubububububububububu*)

Fuck this. I decide to abort. I take 2mg Xanax. I pray that I can make it just 30 more minutes. I try to come to some acceptance of my inevitable death.

When I close my eyes for a bit, it almost feels like I am about to leave my body (I wish I could adequately describe it - like a flower beginning to bloom, perhaps?)

(*Guinevere.... Drew pentagrams... Like yooooouuuuurs, laaady like yours*)

30 minutes seems to go by. Surely long enough for a bar to hit. No improvement. I take another 2mg Xanax.

(*Children, teach your parents well...*)

I turn the music off and begin to take slower, deeper breaths. A few long minutes later, it begins to subside. I go to sleep shortly thereafter.

This trip kind of scared me off HBWR seeds, and psychedelics in general for a couple of years. That being said, I have read / heard about people having fun and therapeutically helpful trips. I am just now regaining the courage to re-venture into the world of psychedelics - for psychological / spiritual benefit, not just for a 'fun high.' I have mainly come here for advice in these endeavors, and to share my experiences.

Besides being patient next time, does anyone have any advice for a future experience (settings, a sitter, etc.)? Should I take a lower dose? I want an intense experience - just intensely *good,* not intensely death-panicking.
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If you want an intense experience that isn't physically uncomfortable then you should choose a different drug (mushrooms, lsd, dmt...). HBWR seeds are hard on the body for a fairly mild trip & you took a high dose, 3 seeds is enough for a mild trip, but it can still be uncomfortable.

In my opinion morning glory seeds seem less bad & doing a cold water extraction rather than eating the seeds seemed to help too, but there's some bad body load with LSA seeds.

'Ego death', thinking you're dying or that you have died is a common feature of intense psychedelic experiences.
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My prior-to-this experience had included some unpleasant higher-dose DXM experiences, which I rode out to the end, no problem. So when I took the seeds, I actually logically thought "Cleaner drug, cleaner trip. Better drug, better feelings. No chance of failure here . "

"It's like LSD, but *better* because it's *natural*"

Boy was I wrong.
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Natural drugs can still be really bad, like HBWR. LSD wouldn't have been invented & become popular if LSA was better. I'm sure there's other chemicals in the seeds that can make you sick too.

Mushrooms are also natural if you've got something against synthetics. They do feel cleaner & better than LSD to me, but opinions vary. There are a few other natural tryptamines worth exploring too & synthetic ones.