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How many people Take Supplements, Post or Pre Load?

i find that takin some vitamin c, e and a couple of multivitamin tablets helps me get over the sadness after dropping...i used to crash really hard and be depressed for about a week, but now that i take the vitamins, i've been doin much better... :)
i never usually preload ever but i post load sometimes. after a night of rolling i try to remember to take some 5htp or vitamins the next day. i forget about it half the time and it probably does help my body. it never helps to the point where i can see a difference though
I'm still an E newbie, only rolled twice. After that first roll I read everything I could find online about it. I can't say (yet) if pre/post loading helps with rolling or the come-down, I kinda do it for one main reason:
It is a small investment to (possibly) prevent neurotoxic damage, AND if it helps to ensure BETTER FUTURE (or maintain status quo) rolls it is worth it's weight X 1000!
Don't you think?
PRE: (One set morning of, one set 3-4hrs prior)
1000mg Ester-C
Nature Made Brand Multi-Vitamin(Memory type)
500mg? ALA
250mg Grapeseed extract (is this too low?)
500mg Magnesium
[thinking about adding piracetam and more vit-E]
POST: (One set on comedown/going to bed one on wakeup)
1000mg Ester-C
500mg ALA
250mg Grapeseed extract
500mg Magnesium
100mg 5-htp
[trying to get SSRI still.....]
And good food and juice!!!
Remember that THE BEST pre-load is loading up on the knowledge that you have a good pill...BY ALWAYS TESTING!!!
(I feel soooo cheesy ;) )
I reguraly use Nootropil/Piracetam and Vitamin C. I don't only take these as pre/post-load to E though but more or less everyday.
Somebody said they've never heard of 5HTP.
Woo.. that stuff works alright. Ive been told its best to take it only for 1 week before you E.
If more its too much apparently.
Also a good tip: When you feel your peak is wearing off just a little, take 1 5htp.
What that does.. is keeps your peak at the level it is for MUCH longer. Its unbelievable.
Gota get me more of that shit.
Does anybody know where I can get some locally instead of ordering on the internet ??
i find it's best to just go to gnc or the like and get some sort of broad spectrum antioxidant as well as 5htp.
try taking a reasonable amount a bit before, as you take the pill, and 4 or so hours into your roll.
for people who pre and post load: generally how many pills do you drop in a night?
would you say that the effects of doing this are noticable/worthwhile if you're only doing one or maybe two.
Originally posted by cascadia:
reac - do you get any noticeable benefits from that regimen?
Actually I do. :)
When taking Piracetam ordinary working days (I usally take it in the morning ) I notice that I'm able to focus and concentrate easier at the task at hand. It kind of keeps me more motivated during the day. It's a subtle effect but it's there. Oh forgot to mention that I also take a small amount of Choline to "boost" the Piracetam. They seem to work great together. One side-effect I've noticed are some minor headaches now and then. They don't appear to often but I do think they're comming from Piracetam.
As for using it together with E, it does seem to make the MDMA peak more intense. I've also notice the same with amphetamine, BZP and it even makes alcohole more kick ass. Having said that, it's necessery to pre-load with Piracetam an hour or so before dropping any of the above substances, my morning dosade doesn't last for the evening and night.
Hope I was of some help.