How drug induced psychosis ruined my life and isolated me entirely


Aug 19, 2013
Hi all, I don't mean to bore everyone with another one of my sob stories but I really need to share this. I have not been right since experiencing my first bout of drug induced psychosis nearly ten years ago. It changed me as a person entirely. Friends I could once rely on now won't touch me with a ten foot pole. The experience put my tendency to self degrade on overdrive. I'm worried I may have permanent Eustachian tube dysfunction from the self harm that resulted during the low spikes. I will share what happened in the hopes that others may be able to avoid it.

When I was in high school, my parents sent me to a "troubled teen" wilderness program after I was kicked of boarding school for weed and began ordering xanax online. My parents are both paranoid, straight laced boomer types who helicoptered over every aspect of my life from a young age. Not to say I wasn't a shitty kid at times, but being forcibly extracted from my bed at 6am and put on a plane to the Utah wilderness was a bit overkill in my opinion. While I was there one kid tried jumping into the campfire, another tried hanging himself and a host of other nasty things occurred. Anyway, when I finally got out of this system after a year, my anxiety had spiked tremendously. I was not the same kid my few friends from my small hometown had enjoyed. When I moved to Seattle for college, I carried a shitty energy with me.

During my first year of college, I began smoking THC concentrate daily. Usually I wouldn't exceed around a gram a day, but often times would smoke a gram or two per day of flower as well. I used LSD and ecstasy roughly once a month, although I had a nasty bender at a music festival in Georgia during which I used MDMA three times in one weekend along with LSD and ketamine. Shortly after this bender, I began seeing this girl who led me on relentlessly. She supposedly had a boyfriend back in Oregon, but led me on nonetheless. We had a falling out after I was put on probation for smoking weed in my dorm and was coming down terribly from ecstasy. I hated my school "Seattle University," so much that I was beginning to act out violent fantasies in my mind. My only friends were a few drug dealers that lived in a shoddy apartment complex in capitol hill and I was getting to the point of feeling suicidal for the first time in my life. This girl messed with my mind a lot and I began punching myself in the face due to agitation after we fell out. I ramped up my THC consumption significantly.

Anyway, my state of mind deteriorated rapidly over the course of the year. When I returned to Florida for the summer, I was hanging on by a mere thread. When my Dad got in my face for "smoking dope" with a friend, I threw my computer at him. Shortly afterwards I smoked more weed and completely snapped. Something "switched on" in my mind for lack of a better word and I began experiencing an acid flashback. At that point I completely lost reality. I would walk around in circles around my parent's house proclaiming to be a computer man who had hacked the secrets of numerology. In reality I was acting like an Asperger vegetable on overdrive. My friends found my behavior appalling and repugnant, and I was soon tossed in the psych ward and doped up on an abilify shot. From that point on my boomer parents were down my throat about anti psychotic and mood stabilizing medications, I was forced on many of them. Since this experience I've been in the ward on almost thirty separate occasions and had to recover from four separate paliperidone shots, as well a zucopentixol shot I received in England while studying abroad. I have since given up on college entirely and am currently unemployed.

Point of this rant is, the combination of my slight neurodivergence and drug induced psychosis has rendered my life a living hell. I feel that I'm garbage for not exercising more restraint to stay out of hospitals, and I resent my own family for throwing me into them. I recognize my own pathetic behavior and have minimal self respect. People have generally been shitty to me in the course of my life due to being different, starting around high school, and I generally hate life. Currently I live on my social security in Mexico and have no respect for myself for doing that either. What is the point of life? I have basically no friends, and resent my own family. Is it time to end it? I hate myself for acting like an Aspie vegetable over the years.
Was u fine before drugs or was u a bit fucked already ?
Topping urself is deffo not the way though.
Though my childhood and youth was unusual, and some say even traumatic in a subtle way, my life took another route than yours until a few years back, 2018 to be exact. In my case it was prescribed medication for a depression I didn't have (just two different bad life situations and their aftereffects came together). SSRIs and mood stabilizers made me act like crazy, lose all friends and drive my poor mom almost to the grave. It was while looking for a way of that that I was diagnosed with Asperger's.

I don't want to go into more details about me here, this is your thread and it should be kept that way. Just want you to know that I have been in a similar place where you are now, and in a way still am. Especially the feeling like garbage and resenting oneself part was hard to overcome. I also live in a country that's not considered "first world". And I also had episodes where I thought the best thing is to end my life.

So you are not alone, and if you want, you can PM me (I guess, never checked my privacy settings there).
Was u fine before drugs or was u a bit fucked already ?
Topping urself is deffo not the way though.
Before drugs I had a problem with my family as well. My parents would frequent "asperger conferences," and force me to see shitty therapists. This started when I was around 14. When I was twelve I severely injured my l5 disc on my back and had to have surgery, which I think also played a part in my deterioration.

When I was a child and in middle school, generally I wasn't in too bad of shape but I dealt with minor OCD tendencies, manifesting more in thoughts than rituals. It became magnified to the extreme in high school after being sent to the troubled teen camp. Constant ego dystonic thoughts.

The forced therapy is what really undid me as well as being isolated from my friends during what should've been the most fun year of high school. 16 to 17 was spent listening to hypocritical mormon therapists in the woods. I'm not sure I will ever be the same.
You seem to refer to yourself as person who has caused all the harm, or is deserving of all the harm and should fix all the harm. I challenge you to ponder if that is even true.
My problem is I have next to no self respect. No respect for myself for not addressing my mental health issues earlier instead of trying to solve it with ketamine and acid, no respect for myself for getting fired from several low level jobs. I also have no respect for myself for developing a nicotine problem recently.
What do you think would gain you self-respect?

You have rough background. If you manage to do any little thing right every now and then, I suggest you to pat yourself on the back. You deserve that.
What do you think would gain you self-respect?

You have rough background. If you manage to do any little thing right every now and then, I suggest you to pat yourself on the back. You deserve that.
I would like to become a more productive member of society instead of relying on my social security.
I would like to become a more productive member of society instead of relying on my social security.
Being on social security doesn’t/shouldnt define u as non productive.
Working a 9-5 is bullshit. Going and doing something u prob not going to enjoy for a minimal wage to make others millionaires is a trap. Everyone is groomed from childhood to basically be a slave till ur old. Fuck that.
U can be productive in other ways.
Help people
Start training to get in shape
Do things u enjoy
More to life than work and money.
“Some people are so poor all they have is money”
but yeah human is glad when they is beneficial to otjers. you can find way for that withoit a "job" too.
Psychosis from thc also fucked my life, although I think the real damage was caused by antipsychotics. They left me unable to function and I still can’t enjoy anything except for music.

I’ve been thinking of ending it for the last 5 months but the thought of surviving and being left more fucked up is what’s stopping me.
Psychosis from thc also fucked my life, although I think the real damage was caused by antipsychotics. They left me unable to function and I still can’t enjoy anything except for music.

I’ve been thinking of ending it for the last 5 months but the thought of surviving and being left more fucked up is what’s stopping me.
Agree with you on the antipsychotics I feel like I have some brain damage from it.
Agree with you on the antipsychotics I feel like I have some brain damage from it.
If you've been isolated for 10 years, are you sure maybe you don't have residual psychosis issues that antipsychotics could help? It doesn't sound like your life can get much worse. Maybe it's worth a try? Drugs made my bipolar disorder much worse, but I'm doing pretty well on antipsychotics right now. People clearly tolerate me better while medicated than when off. I had a major psychotic episode March 2021, which while I haven't fully recovered professionally I'm enjoying a simple life. Just a thought.
Sorry to hear that you had a psychotic episode, it really can be scary and make you feel isolated, angry and deeply sad, i know.. I've had many psychosis, severe and not so severe, long lasting (1-5months) to short ones (2-7 days), they got me suicidal, extremely agitated and anxious, depressed and very, very sad. But, they helped me to quit stimulants for good, they helped me to quit heavy drinking and take better care of myself.
Eating healthy can avoid psychosis épisodes, sleep and exercise and nutrition... Healthy hobbies and therapy. Combined with as needed low dose antipsychotics as needed.

How could one not recover from a scarring psychotic episode

It is odd how amphetamines were marketed and sold for allergies, what if psychosis itself is being on antipsychotics
I wont recommend this to anyone, but only way i could stop my psychotic episodeds were taking 4mg alprazolam daily, 1mg snorted Buprenorphine daily maybe 2months, and taking shrooms and lsd few times during this time. Maybe this rewired my Brain, maybe not, but it helped. Now i'm fine, quitted benzos and bupe, feeling sensitive but not psychotic. I can't take antipsychotics, they don't help me at all, quite opposite.
I wont recommend this to anyone, but only way i could stop my psychotic episodeds were taking 4mg alprazolam daily, 1mg snorted Buprenorphine daily maybe 2months, and taking shrooms and lsd few times during this time. Maybe this rewired my Brain, maybe not, but it helped. Now i'm fine, quitted benzos and bupe, feeling sensitive but not psychotic. I can't take antipsychotics, they don't help me at all, quite opposite.
This is terrible advice. Crazy advice.
I wont recommend this to anyone, but only way i could stop my psychotic episodeds were taking 4mg alprazolam daily, 1mg snorted Buprenorphine daily maybe 2months, and taking shrooms and lsd few times during this time. Maybe this rewired my Brain, maybe not, but it helped. Now i'm fine, quitted benzos and bupe, feeling sensitive but not psychotic. I can't take antipsychotics, they don't help me at all, quite opposite.
LSD and mushrooms are a terrible recipe for mania with me unfortunately. I was taking anti psychotic medication for a while but it interfered with my ability to work because I would fall asleep in the middle of the day. I'm not sure what the solution is at this point.