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How do you deal with mood swings in public

treezy z

Aug 2, 2008
I've been having mood swings. I'll just be chilling then I get a feeling like an adrenaline rush or something. Just pure aggression, like I want to smash shit.

When I'm in my apartment I just jump out of my chair, scream, then shadow box and do push-ups and shit to help it subside.

This behavior would not work in public. I'm 6'3" built like a defensive end and I'd probably end up being tazed or something.


I thought the PCP was making me crazy but maybe I'm just an animal.
I don't deal well with them well at all. I yell and scream at people in public when I experience shit like that.

I used to have a Xanax prescription but it wouldn't kick in quickly enough.
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I have a horrible anxiety disorder. Anxiety affects adrenaline, and during an attack the body is flooded with it. When I have a panic attack in public I focus on my breathing and on trying to take slow long deep breaths etc. Surprisingly this really helps. I also acknowledge that I am having an anxiety attack, and that it will pass. Depending on what I'm doing, I may or may not leave. I have found that the more I force myself to stay and deal with the anxiety, the intensity and frequency of these attacks decreases.

If this is something that happens frequently to you you may want to discuss it with a doctor. There are medications that can help you, and you may be able to learn various techniques to help get it under control. I'm sorry you go through this!
So yeah I've had this hype feeling for 3 hours straight, been exercising pushups boxing etc and still feel like a one man army going fucking bonkers. My heads gonna explode I'm going ballistic.

I'm gonna try walking 5 miles in sunglasses even though it's midnight because I have what people call "that look in my eye." Don't need cops bugging me because I look completely insane.

If all else fails I'm taking a seroquel, I hate that shit though.
I wouldn't suggest going out at midnight for a long walk in your state. The chances of running into a cop are drastically elevated.

It sounds like you may be experiencing intermittent explosive disorder.
Intermittent explosive disorder (sometimes abbreviated as IED)
a behavioral disorder characterized by explosive outbursts of anger and violence, often to the point of rage, that are disproportionate to the situation at hand (e.g., impulsive screaming triggered by relatively inconsequential events).

If you have this disorder with co-occurring anxiety disorder it can lead to having angry outbursts. When you were on drugs they probably helped sedate you and made the rage less noticeable. I know for myself, I didn't have as many tics from my OCD or they were at least more manageable.

Do you have reactions that are not proportionate to the stimulus you are experiencing? I go in the other directions...I have panic disorder so I have insane fear responses to things that shouldn't be triggering fight, flight, or freeze....like a phone ringing. I kinda want to change my phone to having a light bulb go off instead of a loud noise.

Do you have a psychiatrist (I think you may, if you have seraquel)? I would bring this up as soon as you can. There is a common thread between ending up in jail and having this disorder.
What are you on or not on again treezy my friend?

As a layman it does sound like an atypical antipsychotic like Seroquel or Ropinorole may help. But I'd be wary of not taking such meds on your own. Please see someone like an MD or a PsyD about this. Sounds like you need a hand up, and if you got insurance LOTS of people are looking to help ;)
What are you on or not on again treezy my friend?

As a layman it does sound like an atypical antipsychotic like Seroquel or Ropinorole may help. But I'd be wary of not taking such meds on your own. Please see someone like an MD or a PsyD about this. Sounds like you need a hand up, and if you got insurance LOTS of people are looking to help ;)

I quit PCP weed amphetamines benzos painkillers and liquor. All recreational drugs.

I have scripts for seroquel abilify wellbutrin campral neurontin with propanalol and vistaril prn. I take all as prescribed except the antipsychotics which I only take sometimes.
Iono, can you get away for a vacation or something to calm your nerves and center yourself, and take your meds as prescribed? Really that is the trick, though doctors don't know dick about shit sometimes too, so who am I to judge.
Sometimes doctors just throw pills at your problems rather than come up with healthier solutions as it is more lucrative to do so in a privatized healthcare situation. Prevention and therapy often are overlooked. There are some good doctors like my GP that has worked really hard with me on coming up with reasonable solutions. When I was seeing my last psychiatrist she had me on so many meds that really just made my mental health worse (I basically couldn't leave my couch for fear that something bad was going to happen if I did.) The last time I went in to see her, I told her about this and she just starts to pull out her prescription pad. I told her off and said that is her problem. She sees me for three minutes in order to get people in or out without actually listening to what I said. I didn't need more meds I needed real help. I ended up bringing my psych meds to my GP to check out and he was blown away about how careless she was at prescribing. He detoxed me off the two anti-psychotics and the two anti depressants and got me on a more attainable drug regimen as well as helping me taper off the two benzos. He linked me to a good therapist in my network to help me make the transition with as little mental damage as possible.