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How Dangerous Is Benzedrex?


Oct 3, 2014
I have taken it a decent number of times and enjoy it for the euphoria. I find it more euphoric than adderall/mixed amphetamine salts. In addition to the mood lift, I sometimes get mildly 'trippy' effects that I never get from amphetamine salts/adderall. It also has more of an empathogenic feel to it. Sometimes, the stuff causes this blissful feeling that's indescribable. I've noticed that even 75mg produces nice effects for me. Though, I've taken up to 300mg before.

One time I checked my heart rate on 250mg of propylhexedrine. My heart rate was only 65 or so. It felt like my heart was beating fast, but it wasn't in actuality. So, I'm not sure if it really messes with the heart as much as some people say. I'm not saying that it doesn't, but a heart rate of 65 when my resting heart rate is usually 55 to 60 or so doesn't really seem like it inherenty causes a huge jump. I'm sure it's damaging when one takes very large doses, but do you think taking an inhaler or less is really harmful.

Strangely enough, I don't mind the menthol taste. Sometimes, if well diluted in pibb or coca cola, it tastes kind of good to me unless it's classical conditioning because I unconsciously associate a menthol taste with the dopamine release/high from the stuff. I also have found that it mixes quite well in mountain dew and with one particular brand of it can be nearly nonexistent.

The only side effect was once I felt a little dizzy and nauseous. Though, I had drank a decent bit of caffeine while on it, had nothing to eat for several hours. Also, I woke up at 5 in the morning and took it for some odd reason. I don't know why, just kind of a spur of the moment thing.

I don't take it everyday or even every week. However, sometimes I'll take it for 3 or 4 days in a row. I've done it a bit recently since I ran out of adderall a few days early. I take 10mg xr, so I don't have a crazy tolerance to stimulants or anything I wouldn't think (as it's a real low dose). Sometimes, I'll take an extra half a pill or so. But still never more than 15mg xr or so.
I don't think it has any long term studies done on high doses over the long term. It certainly feels dirty and i've had some seriously nasty hangover/comedowns from it. I've only done it 3 times.

My heart rate is usually pretty low on 250mg too, that doesn't really mean much though. I've heard that people who have attempted to inject this die from some strange brain stem issues which sounds really fucked up. Also in some people it can lead to some very severe headaches, these strange side effects make me not want to mess with it since i have no clue what it could be doing to me long term.
It's a very potent vasoconstrictor so if you IV it the local injection area will constrict and stay that way for days.. whatever is left that makes it to the CNS wreaks havoc in the same way.

I think it's a perfectly safe drug, although Benzedrex is not the best source; barbexaclone (phenobarbital/propylhexedrine) oral is a safe anticonvulsant that's been used for decades overseas.