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Horny on E ?

yes and no. when peaking i really love to be around girls and get pretty horny in a sense, but i dont actually feel like having sex. mainly i just feel like being with them and messing around or just dancing with them or touching etc
AlphaNumeric said:
There's no LSD in pills.

MDMA is known as a hallucinogenic drug, but this is not true. Extacy can be a hallucinogenic drug if it is not made from pure MDMA but also mixed with other drugs like LSD.

Yes.... some pills do have LSD :p
MDMA is converted (in part) into MDA by the body, which does have hallucinogenic properties. High doses of MDMA will certainly give you visuals, I've experienced the classic "Everyone is wearing sunglasses" MDMA visual.

Pills are cut with a lot of things, but usually those things make up the bulk in the pills, ie they are also white powders like Meth, MDEA, Ketamine, Amphetamine, sugar, PMA, DXM and other things. LSD has such a freakishly tiny dose (like 100ug, 1000 times less than a good MDMA dose) that it'd not be worth adding it to pills. You'd not be bulking up the pills and you'd be wasting money since you could make more by selling that hit of acid as acid.

If you are confident LSD is in pills then please link to a test that confirms it, or give a logical reason as to why they'd add LSD that counter acts the logical reason I have given as to why they don't put LSD in pills.
When im rollin and in a room with a chick at a party im usually not thinkin about her, Im thinkin about what i could be doing and what all my boys are doing. I guess just cuz my minds roaming and i could be out partying im wasting my buzz.

Rather be with my boyz throwing down instead of beating in some pussy on a good hard roll. :)
i am new here, as a sidenote; but i thought id throw in ive done not a huge amount of e, but a pretty big amount (in the past year, tripped at least thirty times) and ive only had sex once on E, and it felt great, but was absolutely impossible to get off.

i never really was horny either (i am female keep in mind) but i think all of that crap about e making you fuck anyone around you is just bullshit.
lol....... a toad... nice.. short and sweet..
Look what i just uncovered (off topic)

On September 6, 2003, the Johns Hopkins researchers announced that they were retracting all results of their commonly cited and controversial study. The researchers discovered that, due to a shipment of mislabeled experimental drugs, they had injected their experimental monkeys and baboons with methamphetamine instead of Ecstasy.
wtf r they injecting for... it should be an oral procedure... thats one argument for their fucked up research !!!!! sif put the chemical straight in the blood
humm..... weird thread so far. i wasnt horny at all, more sensual. wanted to be with people, not be with people :eek: . i could see how sexuality would be very enjoyable on E, but it never really corssed my mind, too busy with the music and the moving and the talking and the unnhhhh, i think i got speedy pills.