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Hippieflip + 2C-B


Feb 12, 2015
I've been searching around the web and I can't really find alot of information on this exact subject.

The plan is to take some pure psilocibyin together with mdma, and then 2C-B at some point.

The initial thought was to take 150mg of mdma then 20mg of pure psilocybin about 40 minutes in and then either take 40mg 2C-B right after after the shroom peak or after the effects have subsided completely.

Also considered taking the psilocybin first then the mdma after 1 hour and then the 2C-B right after the shroom peak or after the effects have subsided completely.

I'm completely open for all suggestions, the only criteria is that the 2C-B is taken last.

I am also fairly experienced with all these drugs seperately, and it will be taken in a perfect setting.
Pure psilocybin?? That tops even pure psilocin, not sure I heard about people having psilocybin before... it's so rare, I got a feeling that it's not exactly right? If you were told that, then still it is more likely that it is an analogue.

I think MDMA makes a lot of things work out nicely, but I gotta say mixing 2C-B with mushrooms is hit or miss for me. They can synergize rather great but they can also disrupt each other as if they each try to tell a story at the same time...

Also you gotta lower the dose of each, especially if you are combining not 2 but 3 appreciable caliber drugs. Either it is ignorance (no offense) or enthousiasm which I would admire a bit, but just dont try to overdo it your first time attempting something like this. The more the better is a foolish notion.

I would suggest making one of the psychedelics a minor addition, instead of trying to let them play equal parts. And I also recommend trying a combination of 2 instead of 3 first, but failing that considering one of them just a bonus. IMO don't let the peaks of mushrooms and MDMA coincide too much, cause you already have a potent recipe and - again - exaggerating things is mostly asking for getting overwhelmed. Trust me getting a few peaks consecutively will be more than enough. Start with the mushrooms and time the MDMA so that it will kick in when the strongest part of the peak has passed. Maybe an hour later at least?
See if it is still reasonable to add another psychedelic to the mix when the MDMA has also kicked in and made itself fully known, considering whether to take a low-ish pre weighed dose of 2C-B. It really might be redundant. When you are not very experienced yet with combinations, you just don't need to get complicated to get a rich and awesome result. Do not underestimate synergy, having general experience doesn't let you just take stuff for granted.

I have followed exactly this advice only with LSD instead of the mushrooms, and/or sometimes with methylone instead of MDMA, or 2C-I involved or 2C-C. Then indeed I adjust doses accordingly and let 2C-B be a minor drug on top compared to the others, it works well as a sparkling bonus.

Welcome to BL / PD by the way ;)
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Thanks for the comprehensive response.

I didn't think to mention I have experience with Candyflipping + 2C-B which I have done several times. Both taking 120-200mg mdma first, then taking 225ug LSD and taking 225ug LSD first, then taking 120-200mg mdma both finishing with 40mg 2C-B. (I'm a lover of the visuals so I've started to prefer lower mdma dosage)

Haven't done shrooms in a good while though(And never hippieflipped), and it was to my knowledge that it's quite different.

The 2C-B is mostly added at the end to prolong the trip and ensure a good comedown(love that euphoria). If it wouldn't change the trip I'd prefer to take the 2C-B a few hours after coming down on the shrooms though.