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high pain threshold - injuries?

sleeping pains

Feb 2, 2010
is there any evidence of opiates, and other pain-reducing drugs, indirectly causing injuries due to people having an increased pain threshold? I mean, aside from the obvious case - someone nodding out in an awkward position and then feeling pain later on - is there any real, long-term danger?

what about sitting in positions that are bad for the back (for example) or that stress the neck, or that are otherwise uncomfortable and/or create some kind of tension. I'd assume that those too could cause indirect injuries if they happened over a long period of time. and the person would probably only realize this once they were off opiates (this would, among other things, make withdrawal all that much worse). however, I haven't read much about this happening to people here on Bluelight or elsewhere on the web... and I'm curious.

Iutfse already - found nothing relevant
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I don't know if it would really be considered because of the opiates, if you are injuring yourself due to nodding or sitting in an awkward position, that's your fault; high or not, you should be able to realize that you aren't comfortable and that you should probably change how you're sitting.

either way, the only long term danger that comes to my mind would be lower back pain, or at worst, scoliosis. I have very minor scoliosis from bad posture I assume, so I try to make a conscious effort to sit correctly when using a computer or anything where I'll be in the same position for a long period of time.

long story short, just try to sit up straight. if you know you're gonna nod out, you might as well get comfy before it happens. so lay down or something.