• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

High , my name is..


Apr 30, 2010

Born and raised in Amsterdam , the Netherlands.

I am a member of several dutch forums on drugs and I find it interesting what the rest of the world has to provide on information , reports , what and whatnot.
However, I have a good idea of what is on because I meet a lot of people from allover the world through my work, it is nice to read more about the (sub) cultural use of diffirent substances that enriches this globe we call the earth.
It never hurts to feed myself with more information.

I bounced into this forum when I was looking for relevant information on Desoxy pipradrol I got for my friend who has to finish her thesus in a jiffy.
Although the colleage who provided me with this adhd medicine ( I have learned earlier on wiki ) this, gave me a general idea of what it is and how to use it , but ofcourse I wanted to know more of the ins and outs of it before I feed myself or my friends with this substance.
It would not surprise me if I'd bounce into him or other people that I know who make part of the dutch drug~subculture of wich some of them do alot for the legalization , acceptation and research of drugs for either recreational or medicinal use.

I am a fan of the psychedelics <3, some Phenethylamines, Tryptamines and some other Research Chemicals.
I do not like cocaine.

Sooooooow...its time to read myself into this forum!

Greetings from Amsterdam, Pasquali aka nic.
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^ I'd love to travel around Europe... on a bicycle!

Good intro pasquali, welcome to Bluelight :)