• H&R Moderators: VerbalTruist | cdin | Lil'LinaptkSix

hi there im new to the forum but needing some good advice on 1st day of suboxone


Dec 30, 2017
I have been on oxycodone 4xdaily for many years and am tired of being immune and always needing more i have lupus and severe anxiety joint pain and fell last year right after having a stent put in the iliac vein in my groin....im at one of the lowest places in my life and have been extorted by others whom happened to go to the same dr as me....i have memory loss which am not sure is my lupus or the drug....im scared and want to be the best mother i can ....i feel like a disapointment to everyone and have lost the confidence my children have in me...my husband has a brain tumor and multiple sclerosis and he also is prescribed oxycodone for pain and desperately needs it.....i have exhausted all possibilities to try to stop and a friend gave me some suboxone so i can try to start out the new year clean and try to save our home thats going into foreclosure....i took my first sub this morning and was wondering when to take the next piece....can i take my anxiety alprazolam with this or not? Was just hoping there was someone else who might know or has gone through similar situation. I love my family and dont want to hurt anyone aNYMORE WITH MY BEHAVIOR.
Hey, welcome to Bluelight. It's rather difficult to give an answer as to when you should be dosing next and whether or not it is advisable to be taking alprazolam on top of suboxone.

Opioid maintenance therapy is usually carried out under the advice and supervision of a doctor who can help tailor a plan which would best work for you. I understand that seeing a doctor about this may not be an option for you at the moment, but it might be an idea to look into.

I do know that suboxone has quite a long life and it is common for people to take a single dose each day. Alprazolam can be a bit of a risk with opioids as the combined effect of the two drugs can be strongly sedating.

I recommend starting a thread over in the Other Drugs forum where you may get some answers which are a bit more helpful.

Hope you figure it out, best of luck in the new year :)
Hey, welcome to Bluelight. It's rather difficult to give an answer as to when you should be dosing next and whether or not it is advisable to be taking alprazolam on top of suboxone.

Opioid maintenance therapy is usually carried out under the advice and supervision of a doctor who can help tailor a plan which would best work for you. I understand that seeing a doctor about this may not be an option for you at the moment, but it might be an idea to look into.

I do know that suboxone has quite a long life and it is common for people to take a single dose each day. Alprazolam can be a bit of a risk with opioids as the combined effect of the two drugs can be strongly sedating.

I recommend starting a thread over in the Other Drugs forum where you may get some answers which are a bit more helpful.

Hope you figure it out, best of luck in the new year :)

Aren't you a mod?
Cant ya scoooch this over to a more appropriate forum?

Hi pazza75 !
Welcome. I'm Mandy. Also a mom. Also a survivor of opiate addiction.

I never used maintenance however so I don't have advice on that. Sadly. I wish I could advise you but it's true ; a doctor's guidance is best on that.

Just wanted to tell you you've made a Huge step in admitting it's a Problem & trying to get off the opiates.
I'm here for moral support / friendship.

Hope you get Good Guidance. Keep posting!
Pazza, how much oxycodone have you been doing daily? How much suboxone did you take already today? How long did you wait after your last dose of oxycodone before taking the sub? How much suboxone do you have at your disposal? Do you have any other comfort meds? I wish you the best of luck! I am on day 3 of a rapid suboxone taper, but I am coming off of a medium heroin addiction. I am only taking the sub for 4 or 5 days then jumping off. Also, I totally understand feeling like a disappointment. But at this point there is nowhere to go but up from here! So let's not wallow in self pity! Let's be proactive in wanting to be clean and healthy for our families, they sure deserve it!