Hey! I'm new!


Sep 8, 2014
I have some basic questions about taking pain medication, (not to mention all the new ?'s I come up with trying to navigate here!). I'm not sure how to get answers without starting a new thread- I'm certain all the things I'm curious about have been discussed. Any tips?
Hey Roxylarue, welcome to the site :)

Sort of depends what your questions are -

There are several threads about pain meds / coping with pain etc

You can have a look at the Healthy living section for pain management


The 'other drugs' section to talk about your meds

Best suggestion though, pick a section that you feel you like and start a new thread. If your post is not suited for that section a mod will move the thread for you.

Have fun

Welcome to Bluelight! :) what kind of questions do you have specifically? <3 we will let you know where to post