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Feb 29, 2016

Behold my friends, I am Heroin,
Known by all as a destroyer of men,
I entered this country, without a passport,
And ever since, I’ve been hunted and sought,
Whole nations have gathered, to plan my destruction,
I am the breeder of crime and corruption.

I am more valued than diamonds,
More treasured than gold,
Try me you’ll see, you too will be sold,
I’m a powder that looks no more than waste,
I’m soft and fluffy and bitter to taste,
I’m brown, I’m white and fantastic to use,
But once you’re hooked, I really abuse.

I’ll take a rich man and make him poor,
I’ll take a virgin and make her a whore,
I’ll make beautifully women forget their looks,
I’ll take honest men and make them crooks,
I’ll make you lie, steal, borrow and beg,
Then search for a vein in your arm or your leg,
I’ll make you selfish and fill you with greed,
Who cares of colour, religion or creed,
My gift is illusion, my blessing is take,
Only death and destruction, follow my wake.

My friends are many but I’m loyal to none,
I’ve come to destroy and my work will be done,
Run from me if you like, for I never chase,
Sooner or later, you’ll return for a taste,
Once in your blood, you’ll not think I’m, mean,
You’ll praise me as master and nod in your dream,
You’ve heard my warnings but will you take heed?
Put your foot in the stirrup, mount this great steed,
So sit in the saddle and hold on real well,
For the great horse of Heroin, will take you to Hell.

A poem written by a resident at a Bangor hostel, January 2012
published in The Big Issue.

A.M. Street
I like this poem, kind of simple rhyming but it gets across the subtle and insidious nature of opiate addiction. What appears so harmless and gentle can turn your life into a living hell, and you won't even know you're there because you've become so possessed and driven by your addiction and so numbed out to reality.

Definitely relate to that a lot.

When I was using out in the Bay I used to joke around with my friends that heroin addiction was basically a religion. The God-Heroin, Fixing-the ritual, Hustle-the worship/martyrdom lol.
Among heroin addicts, I wonder if there is anyone who hasn't ever really prayed for heroin. Literally going down to your knees and pray.

that point inside
your veins
that rips you from
your mind
the one that takes
your soul

it leaves nothing
for you
it takes what it can making
you feel
that without it
you’re not real

it’s drowned
you out
for more than five years
it took away all
your fear
but it’s left you with
nothing more to bear
than a deep hole
inside your arm
that you can only see
with empty brown eyes

I can only say I’ve tried
more than a few times
to help you get it off your mind
but now now you’re only
crushing up more lines

with more lines comes
more tracks
which ends up with
less life and less tact

From H. poetries.