Here's a little thing for you mp3-heads out there in bluelight land.


Oct 24, 1999
My site!
and a bluelight login.
although... temporary. As in, a couple days, MAYBE a week.
DSL Speed.
port 21
hey, might as well check it out hmm? Remember, temporary so get what you can while the offer lasts.
Oh and it's temp cause I do a lot of trading and this is a couple days I'm taking off to just let people leech
You'll probably see a lot of shit you hate, and a lot of shit you like...
OH and DO NOT give this site out or I can't ever do something like this again... It's not a public FTP it's actually a pretty private one. So thanks!
OH, and don't upload unless you're on a fast connect and you think I might want the album after looking at the albums I have
have at it guys. why do I Make all my messages so long? hehahahah
Hey Pyro, sorry to bug ya, but I tried to access your mp3 site, but it says that the port was closed due to security troubles. Any help would be appreciated

Ohhhhhhhh good christ.
Now you've done it. . . You've got some kewl shit there! Oh wait, I mean, no, you've got HORRIBLE music. No one else go there and hog the bandwidth. Just me.
Seriously dude, awesome. I'm gonna be suckin shit off of there until it goes down, so thanx!!!!
I used to run a kewl leech site, people uploaded and it was kewl, then I moved off campus.

umm.. that port error shouldn't be happening. make sure it's port 21? just double check to be sure. ... otherwise you might get an error like that.
OR you could be behind a firewall? a proxy server? maybe...
_________ ___________
| || || || ||Pyro| || |
i thought you were a bit unstable Pyro, but you seem quite okay.. nonetheless, right on for opening up your music archive...