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Herbavore told me . . .


Bluelight Crew
Aug 20, 2010
. . . in an another thread that I should write more. So I did. For a short story thread on another forum I'm on, 300 words max on the topic of preparation. 298 words here. It was good I had the limit. Had to prune hard on the wordcount while wanting to keep every sentence fully intact. They are much improved for it I think, losing the 60 odd words too many I started out with. I'm quite pleased with it. True from life, think that should be obvious? Always the best source that:

On preparation:

There are a million and one ways to prepare yourself for prison. Sepher had chosen the worst. That is, he'd not prepared at all. No neatly packed bag of emergency essentials stood by Sepher's door. No pouches of GV put aside for the first week when such luxuries were thin on the ground; no ten pound notes hidden in CD cases away from others in the house who would soon have made use of them with or without Sepher's permission; there were no packages of this or that to be secreted about the person while dressing for the inevitable court appearance, at what would almost certainly be the most inconvenient time. No, as usual, as with all things in his life thus far, Sepher had nothing much beyond his own name and the skin he stood up in, skin now very much on display to the coppers watching him dress, half-coded laughs at his physical attributes, or lack of them. If they found that amusing Sepher found it only tedious: he'd heard this all before.

The cells beneath the courts have their own smell, an acrid mix of stale breath and sweat, urine and vomit, the metallic tang of heroin withdrawal seeping from the pores. It is the smell of fear, though none but the very weakest will allow that fear to be seen. There is the occasional fleeting look of recognition, but other than that bravado, swagger, resignation tinged with hope are the only responses Sepher can allow himself. Idle chat on circumstances and expectations passes the day, interspersed only by the strained silences that descend with the sound of footfalls and jangling keys,the hoped for opening of the the cell door with his name on someone's lips. This takes a long, dope-sick time to come.
Yay! you posted something. It is very crisp and trim and you definitely succeeded in conveying the scene, the emotions and the a bit of the person. I like "the skin he stood up in" and the description of the cells beneath the court as well as the guarded bravado of the accused. Even though the parameters of the other forum were 300 words, it leaves me hungry for the next installment. How did Sepher arrive at this? Is it his first time or is this something that he is all too familiar with? And then of course, we can't leave him there! What is prison like or does he escape that fate by some miracle?

In the famous child-voice of Oliver, "Please Sir, could I 'ave some more?" =D
Yeah, I kinda felt like 300 words wasn't enough to make a self-contained story with a beginning, middle and end myself here Herb, I feel it's more an intro myself than a short story as such. Unfortunately the rest of the story would be unspeakably dull. The prison I was in did not make for great literature, my experience of it mainly being 1% fear, 4% petty frustration and 95% unremitting boredom being in a 12x8' box 23 hours a day 7 days a week with only 3 books a week from the library and a motley array of reprobate pad-mates for company. Shawshank Redemption it was not. :\ Thank G*d for an half-decent imagination back then but we'd be moving away from real life and into the realms of fantasy to make a good tale of it.

I've been re-reading this cos I'm sure I've made mistakes like maybe shifting from first to third person, and with shifts in tense. Trouble is I can never spot those kinda mistakes though, find them really hard to track down. Makes no odds to me whether I'm reading as protagonist or observer, past, present or future cos I can shift POVs at the drop of a hat.

And cheers Rogue. :) Yeah, it's not something I'd like to repeat. Did it too many times first time round when you'd think once would have been more than enough, even had to do prison twice before it sank in that wasn't a place worthy of still further investigation. 8) Always was a slow learner! :\
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Did you play spades? Did any of the Corrections Officers treat you as a human being? Was there any "bad-touching" between lonely inmates? DID YOU GET ANY HUGS? Hugs are the coolest non-sexual contact in my book.

On a less inquisitive note, you set the set and setting very well. Having that manner of experience under my belt, I can relate to the apprehension and fear rather well, as well as the cock-punchingly malicious boredom that invades and violates the portion of the brain that generates the experience of cognition as it degrades the virginity of the experience of being human. Thank you for sharing your prologue with us. I hope to read more from you.