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Help! Test results


Nov 3, 2014
Marquis and Mandelin rainbow!
The mecke(not pictured)is just green and black with a few crystals not reacting. The Mandelin looks like there's some not reacting as well.
This is supposed to be mdma and mda purchased from a reputable dnm vendor. I'm going to bring this up with him when I'm done work tomorrow.
The last time I had rainbow test results, I had crystal meth, with MDxx, and some 2c's,and I had a bad time.
Tell me what you think.
Those results look Good. Marquis should be purple or black for MDxx compounds, but if you still feel unsure ecstasydata.org does GC/MS testing for reasonable pricing and will tell you what's in there and the ratios present.
I have some other mdma that we've been using and it's pretty solid with the colour change.
But this stuff the Mandelin has the obvious purple reaction, but there's bright blue, and red.
And I just thought the dark purple and blue of the Marquis was off too. Just because I still have some of our stuff that I tested right along side it. I'm not too scared of a little amphetamine, but I don't want to be uncomfortable. What would be a good test dose?
There's an event Easter that I really want to have a good time!
It seems yellow on the edge, which I could only guess being bk-mdma or something mixed in. The blacks obviously mdma, but it might just only make a small percentage of the molpy to fool a test. I wouldn't know I don't have experience with kits.
Yellow is the colour of the Mandelin regent. The Marquis doesn't show yellow, it's blue and black /purple.
It's the Mandelin that's got bright blue, the black and red.
I might give a test to a friend who loves to get fucked up. Lol
When I had the shit mix crystal with MDxx, there was enough M to give black reactions, but there were no feels that night. Only the rush, hallucinations, and everything feeling not right. Not to mention the week long comedown, jaundice, and shitting bilirubin . Now you can see why I don't want to experience that again... Lol
After googling some other colour sheets, it seems that sometimes mdma, mdea, and mda will yield a different color. So that could be it I guess. Won't know until it's been tried :p
Depending on how much you intended on taking, those results are "good enough" for a normal dose, imo.

There's definitely some suspicious colouring in there though, that's for sure. The red and blue, as you've said yourself. Though they're fairly minor and ultimately it seems to be predominantly MDMA/MDA.

I don't foresee any particular health risks in taking a normal dose (100-150mg) of what you've got, though I'd be wary about redosing at all just in case.
Just saw the weird blue and red don't know how i missed that the first time around..... but if this is from the the DN and BL still does the free pill to e data I vote for one of these!
mods ??
It would be unethical to try a largely unknown mixture on anyone but yourself, even if one of your friends "loves getting fucked up." If you don't want to do that then there's always www.ecstasydata.org. If you don't want to that either, send me 150mg, and I'll tell you if it's a "good" high or not. Not joking. It is in the chemist's, if they choose to make a mixture, best interest to create a "good"/desirable cocktail as far as reputation building, future prices, and future demand. However, many are not the the most scrupulous people you'd want to meet, and some of the others simply don't know what they're doing. In the case of the latter, they were probably handed their detailed "recipe" synthesis by a chemist who did know what s/he was doing. Do those colors possibly indicate 2cb, MDA, MDMA, and possibly (meth)amphetamine. Amphetamine is the likely psychoactive adulterant found in powder sourced from Europe, while an American made mixture is more likely to be meth, just based on what type of amphetamine is in plentiful supply.
Since it's powdered, it costs $100 to send it for testing. I'd be better off throwing the stuff out.
I've been researching other test results and I've found a lot of different color charts, but none of them list red on a Mandelin regent. The only thing that comes close is pma, but that's supposed to be more brown. I tested again and got the blue color, so that could either be amphetamine or a really slow reaction showing less potency. I've had meth with MDxx and that gave me bright orange before black on a Marquis. The Marquis is pretty clean color change. It does have some dark purple red and blue, but I've read those can be variable color changes for mdma/mda. I just don't know when to test it. Our event is April and our weekends are booked.
Do we not do free testing anymore or was that just pressies??
If you mean the agreement between pillreports and ecstasydata that they can send in one sample each month for free? Yeah that's for pills only I believe, but I'm not sure. If you want to know more about this you could ask bearlove, I believe he made the arrangement. Unfortunately since the free testing started, not a single pill has been handed in for testing :\
If you mean the agreement between pillreports and ecstasydata that they can send in one sample each month for free? Yeah that's for pills only I believe, but I'm not sure. If you want to know more about this you could ask bearlove, I believe he made the arrangement. Unfortunately since the free testing started, not a single pill has been handed in for testing :\

Yeah we stopped doing that ! :( we had too many months without submissions! An alot of the time when someone would tell us they
Had one to send they already ate it or trashed it .

Here's the few we did send off



Oh i see, that was a lot longer ago than I thought but a really good idea none the less.

OP I don't agree it would be better off binned not a call out but this is a HR website and you could be helping people by testing. Still totally up to you though as $100 is more than I could afford atm.