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Help please - sleep problems 6 weeks later


Jan 28, 2014
Took some MDMA about 6 weeks ago, don't know a lot about the stuff as hadn't taken it before but the guys I was with seemed to think we did a lot, and that it was strong stuff. Did some more a few days later but nowhere near as much.

Since then haven't done any but have noticed my sleeping is almost getting worse.

I get hot flush kind of things all over my body once I go to bed. I also get twitches I've read about where you jump yourself awake. A few weeks ago I slept in a dorm room with loads of people and this was my worst night, I guess I was more anxious but I got a shit load of twitches for hours before I finally got to sleep.

In the past I have had problems with anxiety but I've been pretty much clear of that for the past 8 years. It kinda feels like it's coming back though now, particularly the sleeping aspect.

I'm exercising a lot, taking 5HTP, shit loads of other vitamins. But wondering whether I need some kind of anti-depressant to drag me out of this? In the past I took citalopram for anxiety and not for too long and it really helped me. So thinking if I do that for maybe a month or two again, will it balance my brain up again as something is fucked up.

Do you mean the sleep problems started 6 weeks later or that you've been suffering from sleep problems for 6 weeks? do you know for certain it was MDMA? was it tested?
I do know it was MDMA, yep.

The first couple of nights I felt pretty on edge getting to sleep, as if I was bordering on a panic attack but I just did heavy breathing and got through it. Half of that may have just been the lack of sleep catching up on me. I haven't really slept well once since but some nights are better than others.

The twitching and hotness have been a bit of a delayed reaction. Probably started a couple of weeks later and doesn't happen every night. I'm pretty convinced this is all related to taking MDMA... before that experience I never had any issues like this going to sleep. Guessing it's just taking my brain a bit (a lot???) of time to get back to normal so I'm hoping to speed things up.
Have you looked around this forum a bit? There's plenty of people who is suffering a variety of adverse long term effects from MDMA.

I've had bad anxiety for 8 weeks since I took a bit too much of MDMA, and I've been pretty close to recovered for this last week (In my 9th week now).
I've also had trouble sleeping, though it has improved greatly. But the last few nights I've been waking up many many times during the night. I guess sleeping problems will be a lingering problem for me for a few more weeks/months.
I found this thread which was really good


You know it sounds like I just need to wait this out. Time seems to be the number one (only?) healer.

I'm not taking anything specifically for this problem so I will have a look at potassium. Any other recommended ones?

Right now I'm on green tea, maca root, occasionally 5HTP maybe once a week - can't decide whether to take that stuff....

Edit - sounds like melatonin would be good but I'm in UK and says you have to be 55 to get prescribed? So if I'm still awake in 30 years, I'll go get some.
Seeing as you took a lot and then took more a few days later it makes sense you'll take a while to bounce back. Especially considering you've had anxiety problems in the past.

What supplements did you take thus far? if you haven't tried a proper form of Magnesium you might wanna look into that as it helps many people with twitches and sleep problems related to overexcitation. Also, if you've taken 5-HTP since your problems started I suggest you go off it cause that in itself can cause problems with neurotransmitter production and balance.

Other supplements that can help with sleep are Inositol and Melatonin, but keep in mind that taking them with Magnesium can cause very vivid dreams(which tend to go away after a few days, so give it a few days in this case before you decide whether to keep taking them or not). Beyond those 3 you can also try a good multivitamin, preferably one that's food based.

Regarding an antidepressant, that's up to you and depends on how you feel. Since you're not depressed and your only issue is sleep I don't think it's necessary, keep in mind that MDMA side effects usually don't respond/respond negatively to medicine.

I think you should just stick to supplements if you want to take something for your symptoms and give it time, this is in no way a permanent condition. Honestly your problems aren't nearly as bad as they could've been and you should consider yourself lucky you got away relatively easy. In the future, if you choose to take MDMA again, I suggest you keep your doses in the 100-200mg range, don't redose more than once and definitely don't roll again a few days after taking a monster dose of strong MD.

I wish you a speedy recovery and you're more than welcome to PM if you have further questions. Stay safe :)
Thanks for that reply and all the others... really helpful and yep gonna try not to stress out about this too much. I think my anxiety problems in the past have prepared me well, I have a positive outlook this time that I'm gonna sort this out.

I've found some magnesium pills... can also get them with zinc / calcium. Any reason to get these or would you just stick to magnesium on it's own.
It depends, calcium and magnesium compete for absorption so if you have too much calcium in your supp it can give you a less than optimal effect in terms of muscle relaxation.

Make sure you also have a proper form of magnesium, which means chelated(glycinate/taurate/citrate for example). Avoid magnesium oxide, it has low bioavailability and is useless for what you need.
Serotonin mess with sleep. I was having problem with sleep for months after SSRI.
Magnesium on its own does help with sleep and muscle twitches. Take it right before bedtime. Do the research about which vitamins assist it and which don't, 5 mins of searching will do the job. I take it by itself at night right before bed and it works.

Melatonin also helps with sleep and can be bought within UK from websites that ship it. Google is your friend.
Ok I bought some:

Each caplet contains:%EC RDA*
Magnesium150mg 40%
Take one to two caplets daily, preferably with meals.
Do not exceed stated dose.

Other Ingredients:
Magnesium Bisglycinate (chelate), BulkingAgent (Microcrystalline Cellulose), Anti-Caking Agents (Silicon Dioxide, Magnesium Stearate), Maltodextrin, Citric Acid, Magnesium Oxide, Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose, Firming Agent (Povidone), Glazing Agents (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose, Triacetin), Emulsifier (Polysorbate 80).
Contains (or contains an ingredient/s derived from) sulphites

Seems to be the right one based on the reviews even though I can see that there is still Oxide in the ingredients.

Also says on the front of the label "Contributes to the Reduction of Tiredness and Fatigue" but I'll ignore that for now.

I use glycinate forms myself, but as long as it's chelated and highly bioavailable it shouldn't matter too much. You're welcome to PM me in case it doesn't work for you and you want more specific recommendations which I can't post here.
I don't know if it's been said, but melatonin is great. Lower doses are best, 3 mg seems to be my sweet spot.
Tried magnesium last night. Don't know if that was a bit of a placebo having known I'd taken it, or if it's a bit of a miracle pill. Felt far more relaxed getting to sleep than I can remember. Is it a muscle relaxant?? Got to sleep about 1am.. woke up at 5am for half an hour or so, then slept through til 10:30. Still got the weird hot feeling all over a little bit but I think magnesium has helped so would definitely recommend it.

The only other occasional side effect I have been getting and this tends to happen more when I'm having a beer but I become very conscious of my teeth / jaw, in a way only someone who has taken MDMA could relate to. Like I feel like it's vibrating a little bit (not visibly), hard to put into words.... It's a weird feeling but I guess it doesn't bother me that much.