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Help getting off Tramadol


Apr 11, 2018
Hi, I'm looking for some advice please on getting off Tramadol. I was prescribed 8 x 35mg daily plus 2 x 5mg diazepam daily after an accident 6 months ago. I suffered with bad back pain and spasms and very bad headaches. The meds worked well and I'm pretty much recovered - I cut back to taking the meds to 3 times a week. The problem is I know I'm psychologically addicted. I look forward to the evening (can't function fully on them during the day) when I take the lot over 4-5 hours and have a glass of wine. This past month though I think I'm feeling the physical effects of withdrawal - after 3 days of not taking anything I feel irritable, stomach is a bit off and I've been convincing myself its my regular IBS cramps - but insomnia now too - I've suffered with insomnia all my life and the diazepam is great for helping with that. Doc had been fine with me using it as a sleeping aid if used responsibly which I'm obviously not doing. I'd love any help or advice you could offer me. I've read that cold turkey is tough - would tapering be better? - I really don't even have a clue how to do that or by how much. Please help - I just don't want to be dependent on anything. The whole situation is causing me stress and I'm a bit scared to be honest. Thanks so much in advance.
Welcome to BL :)

Seeing as you're at 3x a week with dosing, now is an excellent time to consider chopping off a 35mg tablet every few days. If you have maintained the every other day timing you are probably quickly approaching the tipping point of it getting out of control and wind up coming up short at the end of the month before refills. Adding wine to the mix will only help to reinforce this slippery slope and can also become a crutch with attempts at cessation esp when added to benzos and opioids.

I'm going to move this to -Sober-Living.

This sums the forum up very well:

Gonna move this to SL. Don?t me mislead by the title of the forum, it?s for anyone who wants to get into recovery and move beyond addiction, regardless of how they?re trying to do it. No requirement of sobriety in any narrow or exclusive sense.

Hopefully folks will be able to support you there. It?s a special little community. And considering I get the vibe this is essentially a thread about your (good if still early) efforts at recovery, I?m sure folks will support you there.

What are you goals in terms of moving ahead? Strategies and resources/plan you?ll use to help accomplish what you wan to achieve in early recovery? What lead you to want to get off opioids?

Good luck! & Keep your head up!

Although this was to another poster working on stopping methadone the message still applies. Wishing you the best of luck.

Thank you for your advice. I'm just a bit worried about the SNRI leaving my system so fast. I have had depression over the years and was medically treated for it in the past. My accident made me a hermit, I had extensive bumps and bruising on my face which are still not fully gone and I still get random headaches (so much better than I was thankfully - on the outside I look somewhat human again) This caused anxiety to resurface - had panic attacks, so the diazepam helped with that. Of course I love the Tramadol bubble - but want/need to get off it - I'm no stranger to recreational drugs (more so years ago) and was certainly never addicted to anything - except cigarettes! - kicked those 10 years ago! I'm open to any advice, but need to avoid any bouts of depression if thats possible with the withdrawals? - its a scary place I hope to never revisit. Do you think a slower taper would work? I feel good that I've stopped lying to myself and have realised there is a problem, now I need to fix it! Thanks in advance for any help and words of wisdom
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Of course, a slower taper is fine, whatever you think will work for you and have the longest lasting results. I would suggest just not increasing at the very least as the hell of withdrawal becomes more pronounced as time marches on and levels go up. Then again some weeks can just be unbearable and some backsliding is no reason to get down if it happens. Seeing as you are mindful of how this can be a troublesome habit is a great sign and indicative that you are on the right track.
I tried taper so many times and probably did taper a bit but in the end CT and having nothing on hand is what helped me.
Well hello, I was addicted to tramadol for 5 years although in a recreational manner. So, tappering off slowly is a very nice and gentle option mainly if you are physically addicted because it tends to ease the withdrawal for you a lot! Although if you are psychologically addicted too, that problem must be solved ASAP by yourself in your head or with the help of a psychologist before you reach the end of the tappering so you won't be tempted to relapse.

Your dosage is 280 mg of tramadol (8x35 mg pills), I would say not to rush it and give it time so start by cutting off a 35 mg pill a week ( you can wait even more than a week if it is more comfortable for you, it depends on how much and how often you can buy them from a pharmacy). Hell, you can even try to cut off half of a 35 mg pill per week, yes this will prolong the tapering process but will really make it comfortable with you. By this method,opposed to cold turkey, you will not feel withdrawal symptoms or maybe a little. So now I will suggest you some things if you do experience minor withdrawal symptoms (don't be scared by this, tapering of this slowly you will really affect you maybe a little) : Immodium (loperamide for diarrhea) , a mix of vitamins ( you can find a bunch of this stuff, just try a brand that has a lot of them maybe some 5-HTP in it and stuff like that) so your body receives the strength needed as it consumes a lot of energy trying to get you off, 3 meals a day at least ( if you eat really little as me you can always eat very little portions of food but more frequently, so remember or 3 nice fat meals or more frequent little meals), I would suggest a lot of physical activity ( maybe a couple of walks, or if you have some sports as a hobby even better).

For the anxiety part I would not be scared as you have the diazepam which will help you a lot with this fight you have to deal with! as for the depression please don't take any anti depressants or stuff like that because you will just get hooked on them ( but you probably already know this) I would say to wait a bit after your taper is finished and try some maoi type of action tea that is available otc anywhere ( but I recommend this kind of maoi natural stuff only after at least a week is gone after the taper is finished because it could provoke some dangerous side effects).

Sorry for the long post, and I hope that I provided you with all the information you need to successfully win this battle! I only won the battle with tramadol and other opiates just after going to rehab but this was to the fact that I was equally madly addicted psychologically not just physically so although my wd symptoms were gone, my cravings were not so I had to be isolated from any kind of access to them! Anyway whenever you feel depressed, you need some advice or you feel like you are gonna give up feel free to PM me and we will try to work this out for you.

Much love, take care of you and keep us updated,
I suffered with the same problem to be quite honest in a similar an accident and had an operation on my back I was on upto 400mg tramadol and 40mg diazepam per day. I managed to stop taking altogether over the course of about 8 weeks. Taking 1 less 50mg capsule of tramadol to the point of taking none then I focussed on the diazepam reduction of taking 5mg less each week and instead looked forward to a smoke of cannabis each night. I hope this helps somewhat
Hi Morpheus,
Thank you so much for taking the time to send me so much well informed useful info - appreciate it so much. I've just started the taper - one pill less a week - have only just started one dose so far -so fingers crossed the cravings don't get to me. I'm glad you recommended the exercise as a help too - I've been cooped up all winter (due to my accident and the bitter weather) and I love getting out for a run with my headphones blaring - really clears my head - time to think etc., so I definitely need to get back into that. I'll start this week - a gentle walk! - my back is not great, but so much better. I'll steer clear of the anti depressants as you suggested - you really know what you're talking about having gone through this so I'm doing what you tell me! :)

I'm not a big eater portion wise, but I am healthy - I'll make sure too that i get plenty of meals. I hadn't thought about the vitamins - but again - kuddos! will get onto that. The anxiety bit sucks - the panic attacks, but lately they have been fewer and far between so I'm chuffed about that. I'm a bit worried about the psychological dependence but time will tell I guess.

Thank you so much for your help, support, and advice - and your very kind offer of sending you a PM. I will definitely let you know how I'm getting on.
I sincerely hope alls going well for you.
Love and warm regards
- Goosey xx
Hi Inc3ptiOn
Thanks so much for your reply and advice, yep thats the plan of action I'm taking - following the great advice I've received here on this thread. I don't smoke anymore - but I'll have a glass of wine instead!
Thank you - wishing you all the best
- Goosey xx
Hi Determinedmom53,
This is my first time taking the taper route so I'm more comfortable with that option. Hopefully it'll work for me. CT may be an option at a later time.
hope alls well with you
Thanks for taking the time to reply
- Goosey xx