• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

Heeey Bluelight Scum


Bluelight Crew
Jun 15, 2004
Hey everybody...

I'm a college student in Los Angeles, California. I'm into the L.A. rave scene, and I'm also a metal guitarist, trying to form a death metal group (I know, it's a terribly bizarre combination). I've had experience with several drugs, and use none regularly, only on occasion (see my two recent trip reports in the Trip Reports forum). I consider myself an informed, intelligent user of psychedelics. :D

Anyway, expect to be seeing more of me in the future.

Peace! %)
Hey LA dude!

You should check out Free Thinking on Fridays, I posted a thread on a 4 year anniversary thats happening tommorrow for it. It's in hollywood.
Indelibleface said:
I consider myself an informed, intelligent user of psychedelics. :D

Maybe so, but you have much to learn about introducing youself...