Heart Palpitations

I Heart Romans

Jan 23, 2010
Hello Bluelight, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place but I would like ask your advice on Heart Palpitations and the likes.

Up until 2.40am I was doing speed in relatively small doses, every hour and a half or so. However at about 2.40am I start to get very recurrent Heart Palpitations and find it hard to catch my breath. I of course have stopped immediately and I have been doing relaxing activities and not moving about much but yet they remain.

It's now 6am and I am at home and I cannot sleep because of them.

This is very worrying for me as I would say I am an experienced user and I have ingested fair greater amounts and been fine, especially considering my small doses tonight I am becoming increasingly anxious and worried about my current state.

Please, any advice or even the sharing of a common experience will be appreciated greatly.

Thanks in advance.
Hello Bluelight, I'm sorry if this is the wrong place but I would like ask your advice on Heart Palpitations and the likes.

Up until 2.40am I was doing speed in relatively small doses, every hour and a half or so. However at about 2.40am I start to get very recurrent Heart Palpitations and find it hard to catch my breath. I of course have stopped immediately and I have been doing relaxing activities and not moving about much but yet they remain.

It's now 6am and I am at home and I cannot sleep because of them.

This is very worrying for me as I would say I am an experienced user and I have ingested fair greater amounts and been fine, especially considering my small doses tonight I am becoming increasingly anxious and worried about my current state.

Please, any advice or even the sharing of a common experience will be appreciated greatly.

Thanks in advance.

i would just say ride it out obviously if its a small dose for you you wont OD maybe its just a bad trip anything on your mind that mind cause you to feel anxious? i find drugs are all about the mind lol obviously, but what i'm saying is if you do them in the wrong mind set you will get different results.
i would just say ride it out obviously if its a small dose for you you wont OD maybe its just a bad trip anything on your mind that mind cause you to feel anxious? i find drugs are all about the mind lol obviously, but what i'm saying is if you do them in the wrong mind set you will get different results.

The thing that worried me so much is that I was totally fine mentally and physically and then it hit me very hard.

What's your experience with H.P? How long do yours usually take to subside?

I'm slightly worried that it might be a bad batch now. I will upload a picture onto here see if anyone recognises it.
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iv never had any H.P but iv had friends have them and pretty much all i told them was that its in your head they still tripped but eventually they went away and felt fine. Might be a bad batch who knows good thing you only took a little eh?
iv never had any H.P but iv had friends have them and pretty much all i told them was that its in your head they still tripped but eventually they went away and felt fine. Might be a bad batch who knows good thing you only took a little eh?

True, true. Funnily enough my heart is calming right down, think you were right about the positive thinking.

My friends are coming over soon as well to make sure I'm fine, I left their house after I got the H.P in the hope of sleeping it off.

Thanks Lights0ut, guess I kinda just needed to be reminded to calm down.

I am however worried it is a bit of a dodgy batch though, maybe not as bad as I thought but enough to be very cautious.
I've had them a few times... felt like my heart was gonna burst out of my chest.

I just took some extra benzos and that seemed to settle my heart down again.
The thing that worried me so much is that I was totally fine mentally and physically and then it hit me very hard.

What's your experience with H.P? How long do yours usually take to subside?

I'm slightly worried that it might be a bad batch now. I will upload a picture onto here see if anyone recognises it.


Said patch. We didn't do all of it btw, this is from a friend who enjoys off loading.

Yeah, you'll want to delete that pic man. Forum Guidelines don't allow it and basically all we can tell is that its a bag and two different types of powder on a mirror so it really doesn't contribute to a solution
True, true. Funnily enough my heart is calming right down, think you were right about the positive thinking.

My friends are coming over soon as well to make sure I'm fine, I left their house after I got the H.P in the hope of sleeping it off.

Thanks Lights0ut, guess I kinda just needed to be reminded to calm down.

I am however worried it is a bit of a dodgy batch though, maybe not as bad as I thought but enough to be very cautious.

No worries, im here for ya and so are a billion BL'ers. Keep us posted.
Yeah, you'll want to delete that pic man. Forum Guidelines don't allow it and basically all we can tell is that its a bag and two different types of powder on a mirror so it really doesn't contribute to a solution

Sorry, its been took down. Thanks for the advice.
btw you live in hull? is that quebec ontario hull?

Unfortunately its the original Hull from Britain.

Update, my H.P are still here and they still get worse when I try to lay down to sleep, but they are much calmer now and appear to be passing. I just got a bit freaked out when it happened because of the small dose and me having a pretty good record with this type of thing.
Unfortunately its the original Hull from Britain.

Update, my H.P are still here and they still get worse when I try to lay down to sleep, but they are much calmer now and appear to be passing. I just got a bit freaked out when it happened because of the small dose and me having a pretty good record with this type of thing.

ah well i live in hull Quebec, about the H.p i wouldn't worry just probably your body acting in a weird way probably from a weird substance from a weird cut
keep in mind that anxiety potentiates the fear. The more you worry, the worse it seems.

There have been times that I've been terrified of moving even slightly for fear of the exertion would make my heart explode.

The heart is pretty sturdy but definitely keep an eye on things. Play some soothing music, drink lots of water and if you fear that it is a problem, take the safe route and get medical attention.

I suspect that you'll be fine but I'm just some dude on the Internet :\
keep in mind that anxiety potentiates the fear. The more you worry, the worse it seems.

There have been times that I've been terrified of moving even slightly for fear of the exertion would make my heart explode.

The heart is pretty sturdy but definitely keep an eye on things. Play some soothing music, drink lots of water and if you fear that it is a problem, take the safe route and get medical attention.

I suspect that you'll be fine but I'm just some dude on the Internet :\

some dude on the internet with experience that's a + in my books anyday
Yea dude I can most likely tell you it's from anxiety and has manifested itself. I know the couple of times i did coke i would always worry about my heart rate and so on just making me have a shitty high : ( This is why I don't really deal with stimulants, I don't like the feeling of my heart beating that fast it just trips me out. But know that it is anxiety because if you overdosed something would have happened by now.
i think its hard to pinpoint specifically the cause of palpitations, ie diet, meds etc. But it doesnt matter. if u have them, u should do what u can to take care of your heart. its hard because it is everything- i have to reduce smoking, rest, becareful of anxiety, go for walks try to eat healthy, and i still get them