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Have you noticed that your balls have shrank since starting taking kratom?


Dec 10, 2022
So this is a bit awkward to talk about publicly, but well here it goes.

My girl and I were about to have sex and so we undressed and she started laughing and I said “what?”

She said “Your balls shrunk”. I started laughing and assumed she was joking around with me. But she said she was being serious. But then when I went to go check in the mirror she was right. They certainly looked a bit smaller than usual.

I mean it’s not a huge deal because full disclosure I am half German so I started out with bigger balls than the average man so now they are about what I would consider normal sized. Still it’s concerning because if they continue to shrink then they will be smaller than average.

And I guess the bigger concern here is that I know I read kratom can decrease testosterone levels and that can be problematic so maybe this is a sign of low testosterone?

Maybe I should take a break. Have any of you that have balls still experienced this as well after using kratom regularly?

I’m being serious.
Not on kratom but other opioids yes. It’s an unfortunate side effect but should revert to normal if you stop. Obviously the longer you go the greater the risk it doesn’t revert to normal.

I’m on 1mg bupe now and proper diet and exercise I’m back to normal.

Not on kratom but other opioids yes. It’s an unfortunate side effect but should revert to normal if you stop. Obviously the longer you go the greater the risk it doesn’t revert to normal.

I’m on 1mg bupe now and proper diet and exercise I’m back to normal.

Yeah. Think it’s time for a break when risks start outweighing the rewards.
I knew the jokes were coming…you guys are incorrigible.😂

I have an idea, hear me out: stimulants for sex, opiates are anti-sex. Yes?
I knew the jokes were coming…you guys are incorrigible.😂

I have an idea, hear me out: stimulants for sex, opiates are anti-sex. Yes?
Imo stimulants are for foreplay and opiates are for sex if you don't want to ejaculate prematurely. But there's a fine line between a good lay and a bored lady cause it just won't end.

Sorry off topic.

But yes opioids lower your testosterone levels.
I wish kratom did that for me, but it doesn't.
I've always had unusually large balls and frankly it's a hassle. And no, I'm not kidding and I'm not trying to be macho. They're too big and I don't like it. Extremely large-breasted women can probably relate.
Not that I'm aware of, but I did notice that I had a lot more trouble peeing, pooping and orgasming when I was on it. In fact, it pretty much killed my sex drive like every other opioid I've ever taken. As soon as I went off of it though, my libido came right back again.
Havent noticed shrinkage but when dropping kratom (or other oipoidish substances) I have noticed that my sack gets "looser" and more sensitive to pressure or stimulation (like washing) that can be very uncomfortable.
I am Swiss. Wonder whether I have German balls or normal size, lol. Never measured or compared yet.

I don't think my balls shrank from neither Kratom nor 'hard opioids' like morphine or methadone. My testosterone went down though and I experienced muscle wasting and belly fat buildup during opiate use. For me I'd happily trade little balls for that. But this is more a problem with full agonists than Kratom I think.