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Opioids Has anyone used Heroin to get off Fentanyl?


Feb 10, 2023
Hey, I am trying to get off fentanyl as painless as possible, I have access to clean heroin, and was wondering if anyone has gone from fentanyl to heroin and if so what their experience was like?
It's like trading an abusive dad for an abusive mom, she's a little better, maybe you love her. Ive rarely ever heard of fent addicts using for any reason than to avoid wd. Dont think anybody starts with fent or likes it. Nobody I know of prefers it to morphine skeleton opioids, but im getting off topic. It'll be very difficult to go from fent to h unless you're using massive doses of h, and even then if you get too strong a batch and are used to big doses, you might die. It's risky, but I wouldn't say more risky than staying on fent. Start low and work up. It's very unlikely that the h has no fent in it. I'd really suggest not, and getting bupe or methadone.