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Has anyone ever used meth to adjust a sleeping pattern?


Jul 3, 2014
Someone suggested to me the other day that they were thinking about using meth to adjust their sleeping patterns because their work regulates between night shifts and day shifts so every couple weeks they struggle to change their sleeping pattern within one day. So in response I was like no that's stupid its crystal meth dont do it blah blah blah.
But lately I've been sleeping in until 2-4pm everyday for weeks now and I struggle to make a change of it so I though f*ck it I'm trying this idea out. So yesterday I woke up at 4pm and waited until 11:30pm to buy one point and started smoking small amounts at a time until finishing it all up at 7am cause I figure it keeps me awake roughly 12-14 hours so I should start winding down at about 8-9pm, the optimum time to sleep and it's currently 8:50am and I'm anxious to see the outcome of this practice.

Before I was going to acquire some ice I googled it to see if anyone tried it and was surprised to see that no one had previously asked the question so here it is, have you ever used meth to adjust your sleeping pattern? If so how did it go?
I will post an update tomorrow and maybe a couple days after to post results.
yeah man I take meth to sleep all the time, its great. And to wake up in the morning I take my sero's to wake up :)
such an approach will ultimately and always end in a way not intended. not sustainable at all. you haven't considered the depletion of neurotransmitters and toxicity effects.
Have you tried other methods to help your sleep pattern?

If not, this just sounds like an exuse to use meth. Full. stop.

Lifestyle changes, diet, excercise and all the rest. I'd certainly try and find a good doctor before going down that path. Try everything natural first.

From my experience, self medicating to treat a symptom/s that I had no knowlege about kinda went to shit.

But hey, if you want to be guinea pig, let us know of the results.
This might work once but your body needs to get in a rhythm. You probably don't want your rhythm to involve meth to keep awake. Seems like an extreme measure to me. What was it that started you on the staying up late and getting up late rhythm?

I know some people have legitimate delayed sleep phase syndrome. Some stimulants (like modafinil) have been used to treat shift work related sleeping disorders but I'm not sure how it would work in your case.

Let us know how it goes?
Hmm seems pretty stupid. Might work for a short time but can't see it ending well. I knew this chick who studied and monitored sleep disorders, which involved her working frequent night shifts (for obvious reasons), but the nightshifts she did changed on a week to week basis, so her body could never get into any sort of routine, she was fucking up her own sleep pattern to try and help others' basically.

Anyway back to the point, she was prescribed deccos (the usual 5mg dexamp tablets) as well as temazepam, so she was on a constant cycle of benzos and deccos to either keep herself awake or put herself to sleep, and fuck man, after 10 months she looked like a proper zombie, she was wrecked, and then had huuuuge issues kicking the benzos and deccos.

Meth isn't something to be fucked with, simple lifestyle changes can assist with regulating sleep habits. Meth will run you into the ground.

Can't really relate to the sleep issue, never been a big sleeper, or a deep sleeper. I survive off a maximum of 6 hours sleep per night, when I'm on shift it can be as little as 3 or 4 hours some nights. I honestly find if I sleep more than 6 hours a night I'm buggered the next day from over sleep, but a couple of my mates work a week of days then a week of nights then have a week off. So when they finish their last night shift they stay up the whole following day (meaning they've been up for 24 hours, and worked a 12 hour shift in that time), so that night they crash and have a huge sleep and they find that pretty much resets their bodies from being in nightshift mode back into regular days!
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Taking stims to skip sleep is a bad way to try and adjust sleep patterns.
Circadian rhythms just don't work that way.
I worked night shifts for the best part of a decade, and play in bands - and when I got a 9-5 job it was ridiculously hard to adjust. Insomnia is not solved by taking uppers - or downers (believe me, I tried every which way).

I didnt find any useful help until I found a good, intelligent doctor, who took my problem seriously (and it was a problem - I couldn't sleep til 5am most of the time - which meant I got an hour or two sleep per night, at best - and no, I'm not exaggerating; it was really bad).
He went through a lot of the technical stuff about circadian rhythms (sleep/waking patterns) and how they are naturally regulated and become ingrained.
The best way to alter your sleeping pattern is to take melatonin which is a sleep hormone available via prescription in australia.
It worked wonders for me, and Ive been an insomniac since I was a small child - I swear by the stuff.
According to my doctor, pilots that fly internationally use it to regulate their sleep patterns - you just need to take it and avoid bright lights (including TV or computer screens) ~30 min before you want to sleep - and in the morning, to properly wake up (and train your brain to wake up at that time) stand in some sunlight and expose your retinas to natural light (as light is the body's natural sleep/wakefulness regulator - but our modern world of electric lights (and methamphetamine - ha ha) etc has thrown this out the window.

Unlike benzos, antihistamines or any other sleep inducing agents I have tried, you do not wake up (or go to sleep) feeling 'zonked' - it unduces a natural, restful sleep.
After taking melatonin each night for a few weeks, your sleep pattern should theoretically be trained into whatever hours you wish them to be (if you are disciplined about using it).
It's worked wonders for me, and I recommend it to anyone I know who suffers sleep problems like I have.

Taking meth can fuck with your sleep for days (I used to have insomnia up to 4 days after using speed, for some reason. Amphetamine has a long halflife and I suspect the metabolites can stick around for longer than a day or two.
As well as this, it just gives you a sleep defecit, and makes your sleep pattern even more dysfunctional.
I tried doing all-nighters in order to re-set my sleep pattern, but "body-clocks" aren't so easily fooled. It doesn't work that way, and is unsustainable.
I know I sound like some kind of shill for melatonin - but after a lifetime of insomnia, it has been the most effective treatment I've come across. YMMV and all that, but it's a better bet than methamphetamine :)
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Anyway back to the point, she was prescribed deccos (the usual 5mg dexamp tablets) as well as temazepam, so she was on a constant cycle of benzos and deccos to either keep herself awake or put herself to sleep, and fuck man, after 10 months she looked like a proper zombie, she was wrecked, and then had huuuuge issues kicking the benzos and deccos.

I can understand a phycisian prescribing low-dose dexamp for shift-induced sleep disturbances but temazepam for a non-tolerant patient? Kinda overkill when there are several less addictive hypnotic benzos available, such as nitrazepam and triazolam to name a few. Not saying these aren't addictive as well, but they are weaker enough to lessen the risk of abuse. Weaker still, Ambien is also used for the same purpose.
I'm by no means experienced or knowledgeable in this but wouldn't Modafinil be a much safer option for this kind of thing?
Someone suggested to me the other day that they were thinking about using meth to adjust their sleeping patterns because their work regulates between night shifts and day shifts so every couple weeks they struggle to change their sleeping pattern within one day. So in response I was like no that's stupid its crystal meth dont do it blah blah blah.
But lately I've been sleeping in until 2-4pm everyday for weeks now and I struggle to make a change of it so I though f*ck it I'm trying this idea out. So yesterday I woke up at 4pm and waited until 11:30pm to buy one point and started smoking small amounts at a time until finishing it all up at 7am cause I figure it keeps me awake roughly 12-14 hours so I should start winding down at about 8-9pm, the optimum time to sleep and it's currently 8:50am and I'm anxious to see the outcome of this practice.

Before I was going to acquire some ice I googled it to see if anyone tried it and was surprised to see that no one had previously asked the question so here it is, have you ever used meth to adjust your sleeping pattern? If so how did it go?
I will post an update tomorrow and maybe a couple days after to post results.

I've seen sooo many people use meth for a "reason" - usually it's motivation or keeping 'on' for work etc - it invariably spirals out of control very, very quickly and results in addiction and the problem they set out to solve is much worse as a result . Every. Time. You're deluding yourself. Meth isn't going to help you to get up earlier, if anything when you're coming down you'll be inclined to stay in bed longer because you feel like shit and you'll feel like shit for days. This is a really, really bad idea.
I used to use Dexedrine when I did 12 hour night shifts driving a taxi. As stated, it is not really sustainable and methamphetamine has an even longer duration of action than dexamphetamine (Dexedrine). You'll find that you'll still have issues falling asleep and taking powerful stimulants won't just "flip" your sleep schedule like it seems like it would. Chances are you won't just fall asleep when your shift is over, you'll end up staying awake much longer. Using downers to counteract the comedown only compounds the problem IME.

Your best bet is to get some melatonin and slowly alter your schedule over the course of a few days. Stay up late one night (without drugs) and then stay up later and later over progressive nights, taking melatonin before you want to "train" yourself to go to sleep. As mentioned, melatonin is prescription-only in Australia so you'll need to speak to a doctor.
^^ Easier yet - set an alarm. Get up when it goes off. Make yourself get up, even if you've only had a few hours sleep. Ride it through until a reasonable time to sleep, say 10:00 PM, then go to bed with the alarm set. Rinse and repeat.
I can understand a phycisian prescribing low-dose dexamp for shift-induced sleep disturbances but temazepam for a non-tolerant patient? Kinda overkill when there are several less addictive hypnotic benzos available, such as nitrazepam and triazolam to name a few. Not saying these aren't addictive as well, but they are weaker enough to lessen the risk of abuse. Weaker still, Ambien is also used for the same purpose.

temazepam IME is the first thing GPs presribe for insomnia..

@ OP; at the end of the day, if you need anything to sort ya sleep pattern out, you gotta change you lifestyle.. due to my line of work, I gotta get up at 3am every working day and although Im an IV stimulant user, I dont touch the stuff whilst working.. on my days off, I sleep in till 8-9am and when I got time off, like now for instance, I wake up at 10AM minimum... how old are you? sounds like your just usin meth an an exuse
I've used meth as a functional stimulant and for the odd occasion, it does work wonders. I've never found it to be that compulsive that it spirals out of control, but then again I don't find it that euphoric. Give me some dexamp and I probably won't be as responsiblewwith it, as I find it far far more pleasurable.
If you can get your hands on phentermine (amphetamine with an extra alpha methyl group) it's much more of a simple functional stim, but I find eating healthy on it to be quite the challenge, it is prescribed for weight loss afterall. Not the best bang for buck as far as Stims go (esp. If you buy it through black market), but you won't compulsively go through your stash in one sitting either, and pretty easy to sleep after too.