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Benzos Has anyone else experienced this with long term Alprazolam Use? (Amnesia)

aspect of benzo ... Their uninhibiting qualities
Alprazolam definitely does that at high doses haven't tried that with what I am on (dose like I would have alp) as all it would do at that dose is put me to sleep (deeply).
Some benzos are more idk just would rather be uninhibited while I sleep in my spot than a drunk tank... again. 😲
Yeah Alprazolam/Xanax is notorious for wiping memory. I usually only get the holes in my memory when my tolerance is low, once tolerance kicks in my memory can be somewhat hazy but I never have days I don't remember what I did. Just forget small details of the day that I normally would remember. I also don't take ridiculously high doses mostly use for self-medication except in times of extreme weakness like family members dying or other life-crushing events. High doses destroy my memory though that's a given