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Has anyone else dealt with gastrointestinal issues due to alcohol abuse?


May 15, 2011
One of the reasons I'm quitting. The shit ain't fun. My acid reflux seems to be getting better and esophagus healing up but I'm still feeling what I'm guessing is gastritis mainly when I'm trying to sleep, which is especially great. I really hope it isn't something worse.
Yes I've known other people to have GI issues from alcohol abuse.

Drinking undiluted liquor can lead to stomach ulceration and cancer of the stomach lining.

Alcohol can cause a bunch of milder GI symptoms which are still unpleasant.
Yes, I suffered horrendous stomach issues while drinking (gastroparesis, vomiting blood, constant daily vomiting, extreme gas, constipation mixed with diarrhea, and my favorite- GI tract at one point completely stopped). Stopping drinking helped resolve some of those symptoms.

I am almost three years alcohol free and the muscles in my tract no longer coordinate which means sometimes I can't swallow sometimes (this really sucks if I have attempted to swallow food and it is just stuck in my throat, or I have trapped air and I can't belch), gastroparesis is not as frequent but still happens which results in me vomiting entire meals, my colon is super sensitive so everything is painful as it moves through, and I have severe and extreme constipation. I once went a month trying to resolve the constipation naturally (diet, exercise, water, massages) without laxatives and I literally went four weeks without defecating. I looked nine months pregnant and it was pure hell. The doctors weren't much help. I ended up taking a ridiculous amount of laxatives and did a few other things but it took two weeks to recover.

I have been working with a GI doctor and just got a referral for a different GI doctor as I have an idea of what is going on and I need a doctor who will be more proactive with me. Up until two months ago I have been suicidal off and on for the last year and a half as this has destroyed my life. To prevent severe pain and then the vicious cycle of backing up I had to rely on both prescription and nonprescription laxatives which then tied me to the bathroom because they are not predictable.

I had to quit a job because there was only one bathroom for both men and women and it was too embarrassing. At one point the plumbing for our floor completely failed and I had just destroyed the toilet and it wouldn't flush. They didn't get that fixed for three weeks and it was horrible. The bathroom door was across the hall from our office door and people kept going in and using the toilet to both piss and shit and then they would leave the door open so the smell was traumatic.

At any rate I found alcoholism does very real destruction of the GI tract, and it doesn't seem to totally heal upon gaining sobriety, at least in my case. I think it's largely due to nerve and receptor damage. Many symptoms can be lessened with a diet conducive to your situation, plenty of water, and valid and consistent exercise. I have lived with and documented my situation for almost three years and have finally found a nonmedicinal solution that works for the time being. I think alcoholism also distorts the gut biome as if I eat sugar I begin to bloat with gas immediately, and then will continue bloating to where my stomach increases in diameter 13 inches. In short I think nerve damage caused some motility issues and hypersensitivity, and I think I have SIBO along with h. pylori. I frequently have to live on liquid diets, and try my best to avoid sugar as the consequences are horrible. Because there is a motility issue in my colon I have to now give myself 2 liter enemas of hot water to flush the organ out, or everything backs up which just causes unbearable gas pain as the bacteria will continue to produce gas the longer it sits there blocked, and I can't release gas when constipated. These issues have almost been the end of me but I am actually hopeful that with the help of a second doctor I can get the transit study I need, and I can get antibiotics to wipe my gut flora and begin again. Six months ago I was considering having my colon removed so things are definitely looking up. I share all these gross details to one, answer your question, and primarily two, in the interest of harm reduction. Many alcoholics don't consider their tract and usually focus on their livers which is false logic. Alcoholism has pervasive and systemic affects on the body and people need to know. I never really thought about it until I got sober and was in for a very rude awakening.

Regarding your situation, when was the last time you had an endoscopy? Do you take any proton pump inhibitors or anything to lower the ph in your stomach (these will have other adverse effects elsewhere)? Does GERDS or Barrette's esophagus run in your family? A close friend of mine had similar issues to you and didn't stop drinking and the outcome was not favorable. Feel free to ask specific questions regarding your situation either in this thread or in a pm...others can benefit if it's in the thread. I think overall your situation is far more dangerous than mine. How are you doing with your drinking?
Damn that sounds like hell Moreaux. Either way sorry guys, I think I was panicking a bit when I posted this. I've only been 4 days totally sober (3 days tapering before that) and I think my body just needs some time to recuperate. I'm still having some gut issues but they seem to be getting better. Anyways I'm gonna leave this thread up because as Moreaux said a lot of alcoholics only worry about their liver, I used to be one of them.
Thanks for leaving it up and I hope things do improve for you Nutty. Either way, please schedule an endoscopy (upper GI) to ensure there are no issues. If you've been a long time alcoholic there could be damage that is asymptomatic when you recover that does need to be caught early. Esophageal and stomach cancers are often asymptomatic in early stages and by the time symptoms present it is often late stage. Alcoholism is associated with both of these types of cancer, along with colon cancer. If you tell the doctor you're a recovering alcoholic they will order the tests and most insurance will pay for them. The survival rates when caught early are pretty decent, they just don't frequently get caught earlier. If you also smoke cigarettes chances of these cancers dramatically increase as well. I am not saying that you have any of these, just want to put that information out there. I took care of an alcoholic friend who had esophageal cancer and later stomach as well and the last year of his life was terrible.
I got alcoholic gastritis every time I had a bender of more than 3 days... The symptoms were really unpleasant (acid reflux, pitch black defecation, lack of appetite and a constant bad taste in the mouth). Fortunately I haven't drunk any alcohol for 4 months now.
My system has more or less returned back to normal fortunately. I'm taking Cuturelle along with my other vitamins and am down to one Pepcid a day instead of 3. Was really worried there for a few days with the painful cramps when I was trying to sleep and what not. My shitting seems to be returning to normal as well. I know, TMI.

Also, I still intend to pretty much give up the booze save maybe for special occasions. I could see where this could lead if one kept drinking and that's not somewhere I want to be.