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Got to do it this time. Need help kicking heroin.


Jul 31, 2016
Hey guys im new here. Pretty much i started using heroin when i was 15. Iv'd for 3 years and then got clean and was SOBER 3 years. Thought i knew myself better and one night took one percocet and here i am a year later back into IV heroin. Listen, i am a very strong willed person and I just want my life back. I was so much happier when I was clean. I will post more of my story and struggles through the next couple of days if you guys would like to know. I cannot enter a rehab and the current situation Im in i have no choice but to just suck this up and go through with it. I have access to a couple Bunavails. My whole thing is that if I can just get through the first 3-4 days I can fight the rest. I want to avoid precipiated withdrawals by all means. I have some xanax so this is my plan. Im doing my last shot now. Im going to wake up and run through the next 24 hours on xanax to fight off any cravings. When 24 hours hits I will take one of my Bunavails and then just dose from there. Think its good idea guys. If i can just fight the hellish part of the sickness i know i got it.
Hi there.

I believe the Xanax will be very helpful in this situation, only thing to watch out for is the lack of anxiety caused by the Xanax which could lead you in to making a bad decision and using again.

Nothing, and I mean nothing is going to magically help you with the withdrawals. I find that a combination of Valerian root and hops (UK brand 'Kalms') MultiVitamin tablets, high dose Vitamin C, Paracetamol/ Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen/ Naproxen, plenty of water, fruit and lots of showers/ baths. These have all helped me with the ACUTE WD's the rest is all down to willpower and support.

Good luck, we can beat this!
One word. Kratom. Toss and wash mega doses. Won't get your system back to normal, but will help immensly with WD's.
You got this JSMB. Where do you see your relationship with drug use going?
Sounds like a good plan to me.

The bunavail should get you through the 3-4 days way easier than it would be without them.

Depending on how big your habit has been it still will not be a walk in the park, in my opinion getting people through acute wd is what buprenorphine is really good for.

You can do this.
My habit is pretty bad right now. Shooting 2 grams a day. I tried kratom and it did help but i need SO MUCH and its SO GROSS i puke almost everytime. Everyone has told me the extracts are not good to use but since i have to take so much i probably should? What do you guys think. And toothpastedog, i see a light at the end of this. Fixed relationships with my family, friends, and most importantly myself. The reason why i relapsed was because i thought i beat it the last time by conquering the action of doing the drug instead of WHY i used the drug and what i must be running away from. I still dont know what it is but i will never find it out on this shit. I have a very twisted relationship with heroin and i see it as the devil. I am 21 yrs old and have easily spent 30k in the past 4 months on it. I could be the richest 21 yr old in town! Lol but is it true that one 4mg buna is equal to one 8 mg sub? The last time i needed sub i took like 24 mgs. And buprenorphine scares the hell outta me because near everytime i go into precipitated w/d.
I also am doing this with my girlfriend. Breaks my heart too. She was the most innocent girl i fell in love with. I feel like im a poison, like everyone i touch decides to make the same mistakes i did. But she is very strong too but it just sucks because she kept me from all these things and me being arrogant said "no one oxy wont hurt us. Youve never done it b4 babe? Its awesome. Dont worry it wont lead me back into dope" and here we are BOTH DOING IT!!!. Ugh
Okay...push those ideas from your mind. Guilt is not going to help you right now. Eventually you will face it, but right now just focus on getting through detox. We all did things in active use that we regret...but as you get better you will learn not to beat yourself up.

This may sound like a rough thing, but she made the choice for herself. If your jumping out of a plane and someone is convincing you not to pull the ripcord who's fault is it when you hit the ground without pulling it?
If you have issues with precipitated withdrawal, wait as long as you can before taking it. So what I'm saying is don't take any buprenorphine until you are in hell, if you can. It will work so, so much better. I have no experience with the brand you're using, but buprenorphine should be buprenorphine. You have a serious habit, so it isn't going to be easy, but you can totally do this nonetheless!
There is no walking away scott free my friend. You will be uncomfortable at some point. Taper your subs in order to minimize your discomfort.
I have not tried bunavail so cannot give first hand feed back but from doing some reading it does seem to be stronger mg for mg than suboxone.

This seems to be as a result of the delivery system being more effective, bunavail is supposed to be 50% bioavailable as compared to about 33% for suboxone.

Definitely as has already been stated, wait as long as you possibly can before using it, you really want to be in full wd, obviously this is not easy but it will make things more bareable in the long run.

You can do it mate, also I second the advise already given, do not even think about anything other than getting through this man.

If you let us know exactly how much bunavail you have we can advise on how to use it.

Wishing you all the best mate.
Any way you do it, it's still going to be hard, but I think you see it is totally worth what you go through now. Even if you put off the WDs by some other means, the bill comes due some day. I kicked my first time with my (then boyfriend, later husband) when I was 20 years old. I thought the kick was all there was. The harder part was to stay kicked, you know? I got comfortable like you did and, basically the same thing happened. I guess part of what I wanted to tell you is that it may be really a crappy situation, but you actually can get clean with a partner. its the staying clean that's tricky. I am sorry, I don't know anything about kicking with these drugs you guys are talking about. when I was your age, there was what they called 4s and doors (codeine 4s and Doridan)... anyway, don't forget the Imodium, and a few things to help all the other symptoms, and some valerian root, although you probably don't feel like shopping in health food stores right now. Please drink as much fluid as you can, although alcohol won't help.. Anyway, good luck, my friend, to you and yours.
Shit man I feel your pain I got clean August 2012 to relapse October 2015, and I kick myself in the ass for it. The withdrawals suck as all of us know, but my best advice is get loperamide to help somewhat. Others suggest Kratom and say it works wonders but I myself never tried it. The Xanax is a good option, cus if you are anything like me what makes the first three days so horrible is that on top of the withdrawals my anxiety and depression goes through the roof, I don't sleep, and minutes feel like hours. Xanax usually helps me with all of this and even when I'm awake and kicking at least time seems to pass more quickly.

just do your best to try and stay comfortable and focused on your goal. I've always found that even as shitty as you feel from the withdrawals going in with the serious mindset of quitting for good makes them more tolerable. Not to mention for people like you and I we've seen the light at the end of the tunnel and know first hand it does indeed get better. Keep that in mind and stay focused on how much life was better without it. Don't be afraid to ask for help and stay strong. Good luck man