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God's future in man


Apr 28, 2010
I recognise that the eyes of humans are so skewered by perception and childhood that there isn’t a central vision whereby ‘universal recognition’ can be adhered to hence creating a large space in which conflicts of ideals can take place. Perhaps this is where the logical reasoning to bring in religion came to head so people could share the same values and perspectives on life. It would bring them closer together and ease the struggle of the alone existence whilst giving them the solid unbreakable assurance that ‘everything is going to be ok’.

Whilst this seems great for everybody, it seemed these groups came to depend on their beliefs so that they were unable to continue existing without their supposed God. The fear of God’s non-existence would grow like ivy constricting their infinite conviction and beauty ever exacerbated when came to light that other groups had also formed in another place, with different ideals and a different God altogether.

Preposterous! They would say but the very thought struck deep in their hearts causing the ever present but deeply underlying fear of a No-God palpitating. From these seeds of fear grew cracks in the golden heart of man for with their basis of fundamental beliefs being threatened they were suddenly naked. Some may say this has always been Satan’s work, that is to distract from God and encourage self worship. Maybe through this perspective, Satan is a part of God in a sense that he is a part of God’s plan. Deriving from the idea that God wants to promote purity in self worship as opposed to external worship (i.e. Him. Remember, technically God is deep within us also) and give us the power to shape our own destinies and govern our own existences with purity as opposed to worship and following a Gods law. Part of the the journey for us is exploiting the Being within to it’s full potential as to be one with and alongside God, and that is the sole beauty of the ephemeral existence. It’s not gained through praying, preaching Jesus or going to church. Many disillusioned people do all of those things without knowing the least bit what they’re doing or talking about. It’s about making mistakes, learning from them and forgiving people for their mistakes in the trust that they will also learn from theirs. It’s about focusing on love, empathy and truth and spreading the word not just through speech but through action. It’s about understanding and acting on deep intuition which you can pull of seamlessly with Him on your side. It’s a purity you can’t really go wrong with.

This is considering a future with a more vague idea of God whereby there is no need for written commandments, no need for fables or canes because God is just there inside us. Ever present. We’ve all accepted that he doesn’t have a face or 8 arms, having accessed and wholly become with the purity of Him. The light that’s been there all along just waiting to effervesce inside a human soul that once embraced by humanity lets it get on with the peace and love.

Does anyone see a brighter future for religion and Western God? Perhaps a more liberal approach? Do you see God getting an image overhaul any time soon or is he still just that boring old coot with whom self righteous uptight scared-of-life-and-the-unknown people* will follow blindly with their palm computers writing complaint mails?

A UN type organisation for the purpose of conflict resolution and communal advancement built for and by religious groups may bridge the gap between religious differences and would be a good start in heading for peace and oneness.

God might be dead but his soldiers live on.

*in that sense aren’t traditional Christians and atheists on the same page?