goddamn i hate cops


Dec 19, 1999
We had been planning to go to this rave for at least a couple of weeks and this one was going to be a shitload of fun, because alot of my friends were going too. We found out the loaction at about 700 and we headed out for the party at about 1130, we got and within three hours the cops showed up and every one took all of their drugs as there were rumors of Drug Dogs sniffing evceryone as they left. Basically this was the biggest buzz kill that I had ever experienced. Granted the car ride home was a helluva trip, but I wuold far rather be rolling my balls off dancing at the rave. We went to an afterparty at the place where we got the tickets and the directions. Wasn't a whole lot of fun because everyone had come down and was searching for more E.
Long story short the cops used some bull shit fire code to make my and a shit load of other peoplehave a lot less fun than we could have.
I guess that I just needed to vent for a little while
aren't we lucky here in t-dot..
tha ravers organized TDSC (toronto dance safety commitee) which talked with tha city officials and reached an agreement with them to let raves stay in toronto... the city set some guidelines but they are very good and fair ones
for example, no overcrowding (some greedy promoters let 245112345 more ppl in than they're supposed to, to make an extra buck), access to free water any time (again, some greedy promoters shut off the water so ppl will buy bottled water.. which is fuckn expensive as hell), medical staff on site, a cop for every 500 ppl, etc...
its very good
now we dont have to worry about freakin raids or anything

this should be done in every city that has a rave scene.
[This message has been edited by shiva (edited 16 January 2000).]
the town was called River Falls, Wisconsin, just across the MN border.
We have some raves around here that apply under the same type of thing as you mentioned shiva, but this one was purely under ground, and we probably were in violation of some stupid fire code, but who cares about the laws, THEY STOLE MY FUN!
dont worry dank, ive been in the same situation before, and i know what you mean by "the car ride home was a helluva trip"