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Gobbling 25 blotters in a fortnight - "I gotta cut that down.."

The acid has turned up after all! But I'm working all next week so I'm going to have to cram it all into this weekend. Rippa is gangsta!

What is it... one (or equivalent) blotter... followed by another 1-2 hours later? That's your golden ticket right?

I am, on paper and situationally, all ways, in identical benzo ditch.

My usage is wild. Only Etiz, pure powder, has been 12-25 mg's daily for long while now, but kava too double average kava drinker, kava + benzos = 2 x effect, each IME.

Kava increases blood plasma, delays clearance.

It's literally double, to me. 1 mg Etiz, loaded with Kavalactones is actually more noticeable than 2.5 without.

Too many times I accidentally overdosed on Etiz, maybe 35 mg's or more, uneven dissolution (olive oil as I'm allergic to PG), on top of that day's doses already.

Messy situations. 8 hour sleepwalking/talking blackouts, needing minding, last time I broke my back 8 weeks ago plus severe internal injury/shock, SOMEHOW survived, still healing- I still tripped 3 times first 14 days following the injury, 3 days first one on 1000 mics, then 800, 1200.

It passed a few days of orherwise torture, became immune to elements- pain etc.

But on paper, say 35 mg's, so 400 mg's Diazepam eqiv effectively, practically doubled by kava.

That's a truly insane dose of benzos right? Effectively over 650 mg's Diazepam with Kava potentiation.

It can't happen again. Last one. I've sorted it now.

But @Tranced I actually completely hear and feel you, on every line and image, but then on resignation to lifelong benzos.

First though- that isn't probably, really such a terrible thing. Should it come to pass.

But I have discovered how extraordinarily powerful the mind and consciousness is.

If we have time to live, society pans on some more, you may be surprised what's achievable in near time.

I felt EXACTLY like that.

I'm still using lots benzo. But I'm not worried about it anymore. Some extraordinary things are suddenly truly happening- related to Nano! Rifing. Age reversal. Constitutional healing, injury repair, scars vanishing, in stages.

I just need more time. In theory, by math on this science and it's principles pertaining to the imposed artificial mortal condition and it's reversal, any addiction would be nullified entirely, like a scab dropping off.

Anybody could do this. It takes time though. 12 brutal months so far most intense herxeimer ever, suddenly coming true, but ways to go. Just need time.

How many "papers" you had there pal? =D<3
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What is it... one (or equivalent) blotter... followed by another 1-2 hours later? That's your golden ticket right?

How many "papers" you had there pal? =D<3
Lots! 😂 Actually 424 this anuum. But I have not lost my witts. Stress did drive me wild and potty.

I'm getting past that now though, head pretty damn together again atm just as well cos anticipating an event-full 2022.
What is it... one (or equivalent) blotter... followed by another 1-2 hours later? That's your golden ticket right?

Yes, the willy wonka golden ticket is half a dose then the other half 20-30 mins later. Its elusive tho - sometimes you emerge "thru the wormhole (with david frost - old tv show reference) but not every time. But if you ever get to that place where acid becomes ecstasy think of old uncle ismene with a smile.
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Yes, the willy wonka golden ticket is half a dose then the other half 20-30 mins later. Its elusive tho - sometimes you emerge "thru the wormhole (with david frost - old tv show reference) but not every time. But if you ever get to that place where acid becomes ecstasy think of old uncle ismene with a smile.
I swear longtime, with a fluid essentially unlimited consciousness, redosing takes me to places and new levels in a trip.

When people report no effects redosing, immediate tolerance and grand limitations on how much they can experience the LSD, because I have the opposite effect.

I keep my mind, brain, imagination active to always renew and enter a new phase, on top of not instead of the previous 4 or 5.

I'm sure some of us are just hardwired for it though ofc. I was the same with exstacy which I took a considerable fill of as a UK 90's youth, swear min 325 grams MDMA before 2005, minimum up to 400.

I swear @Ismene2 shilajit seriously potentiates drugs, especially LSD and the rhe Kava in, was a 3 way interaction.

Turned a milligram into a flowing river, 2.5 mg trip.

Anyway hope you are set for a decent day man especially after the hard spells you've had this year.
Yes, the willy wonka golden ticket is half a dose then the other half 20-30 mins later. Its elusive tho - sometimes you emerge "thru the wormhole (with david frost - old tv show reference) but not every time. But if you ever get to that place where acid becomes ecstasy think of old uncle ismene with a smile.

Oh I already do, & I've remembered with keen interest.

I'll still have the MDMA on standby mind. Ecstasy + ecstasty = yet more ecstasy, sure thats my general rule..

Merry christmas acid crew. Dont let people ever put you down because mushrooms are more earthy! If they say its a plant tell them it's a fungus... and if shits too earthy, to check your dose!

One question: Are you acid?
Is lsd as easy to get as I see here asking for a friend 😁 ok it’s me asking and yes I’m new and just stumbled on this site thanks in advance.
I can just about find this one darknet I have no chance
No sourcing
Go to a psy trance night, should be someone about selling some cid.

Some people don't notice a lot of difference between real lsd and the analogs bar the feeling less wired and being able to sleep after a trip.
1-p-lsd has a faster come up and come down than 1-cp-lsd which is more like real lsd as it comes in waves. ymmv
Some find the trip identical to ald-52. that is this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ALD-52 read through it and ymmv obviously

I vaped some weed when I was coming down from the plateau on some 1-cp-lsd, I ended up pm'ing someone with a message meant for the lounge...plus two hours where I was full on tripping where I don't remember a lot off.

Plus in theory the dosages are more correct if you get blotters. The microdots can be less than the stated strength.
I was tripping for 7hrs on 300ug and a tiny bit of weed.
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