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Gel Caps, MDMA caps


Jan 24, 2002
me and a couple of friends been pilling for about 4 months now, and we got these pink caps, they look about the same size as a panadol cap bit more than half full, transparent cap with pink dust inside, we were told to take our best peak and double it... and for us... well we cant really get our heads around how intense its going to be. is there anything to be worried about or is just like taking a real fat pill?
Pink? MDMA should not be pink. It should be white or slightly off-white, perhaps light beige. I'd get that stuff tested before I swallowed it.
To answer the question of what taking pure MDMA powder is like, to use your term, IME it is "just like taking a real fat pill". There's nothing special to worry about aside from the normal concerns of MDMA. Your subjective experience may be stronger, cleaner etc. but you don't need to do anything different.
Yep, what stardragon said ;)
If it's pink...maybe your dealer crushed up a pink pressed pill; however, I have no clue as to why they would do that. Another advertising ploy?
"omg it's pure MDMA and it's pink" <---Don't fall for it.
Test It
thanx, a friend saw the dealer who had had one and he was gone, was sitting down with head rolling around and crazy stuff... though i will test em, i dont want me plus all my friends to end up in the medics tent
it may be pink cause its not all MDMA
it may bve mostly MDMA with some filler in it which gives it its pink apperance
i had my first cap last week and with almost 2 years of almost every weekend on it under my belt it was a experience
in short it is just like a double dump or a when u get the odd real good pill
but yes it is pretty intense cause caps r supposed to be the big daddy of ecstasy
It could also be extracted DXM from red cough syrup.. Ive heard of that one before.
Sounds like it could be a high dose of meth, which can be pink if the lazy clandestine chemists use red pseudoephedrine pills and don't filter that shit out...
Did you try tasting it? Does it taste like MDMA? Reallly bitter?
Im sorry fairnymph... I know youre a mod and I dont mean to dis you.... but I dont think tasting it will do much. Could most people tell the difference between asprin and E? Whatever white powder he has is prolly a hydrochloride salt, all of which taste pretty similar as I understand it.
[ 23 March 2002: Message edited by: Simon ]
Acidburn wrote
Could most people tell the difference between asprin and E?
Anyone who had ever tasted MDMA and aspirin could definitely tell the difference between them. I don't know about meth and MDMA, not being a speedfreak, but I'd take Fairnymph's word for it that there's a noticable difference.
Best solution is obviously to test the pills.
Why did you edit my post and what did you change?.. just out of curiosity.
It was for your own good :) - I corrected your spelling of Fairnymph's name - she really hates being called ********** ....sorry, but ya would have got flamed otherwise.....
i had my fist cap about a month ago. It was a lil off white but amazing. I tested it and it turned fast. Check out my pillreport. Anyways i couldnt tell the difference between asprin and other stuff, all tastes the same to me that why i dose and not bump :)
last night i went to a party n got some molly(first time raving first time rolling) i consider myself lucky even tho i got jacked 20$ earlier on during it. some dude sold me some pill that had P-4 on it so i was thinking it was more of the less allergy pill. then some other came up to me sayin he had molly and it was in a clear gel cap with the white powder in it. i had to get a friend to lend me the other 20. all in all i rolled GREAT. it definitly made it all better and took my mind off getting ripped and focused me on dancing. i honestly can see how people want to take more. but if you abuse it it will abuse you. just watch who your messing with. dont trust many people also talk to the person before you get it from them. same with any drug really just becareful i never heard of it being pink powder tho. ive only heard and read of it being white..
Taste is actually an excellent indication of the presence of MDMA. Shulgin tasted every one of the various phenethylamines that he synthesized. Part of the reason for this is that human sense of smell/taste is one of the few 'devices' that can determine chirality (I don't want to overwhelm anyone with chem details here, but basically chirality refers to stereoisomers, such as (+) vs (-) MDMA). Taste/smell can thus more accurately distinguish different compounds than many technological devices can. Also, people can determine the presence of many chemicals in far smaller doses (i.e. miniscule, molar amounts) than other, nonhuman analytical devices.
Of course, not everyone has a *good* sense of smell/taste and not everyone pays careful attention to such things. Also, the more times ones has tasted a chemical, the more likely it is that they will be able to recognize it.
I have an excellent sense of taste/smell (as I love to cook and can determine almost all ingredients in a dish based on taste and smell alone this is not surprising) and I have never yet been wrong about the taste of a chemical. I can determine the presence of (and distinguish the difference between) ketamine, MDMA, cocaine, and methamphetamine by taste alone.
Simon, thanks for getting my back, man. That damn second letter 'y' drives me insane... ;)
i had this blue gel cap about 2 weeks ago in syd. HOLY SHIT. the thing damn near ripped my head off. i've been pilling for 3 years and i'm a big guy (no joke 210cm 160kg), it was fucking awesome, leg wobbles, eye wobbles, jaw wobbles, just fucken wobbling everywhere. i've heard of these being called blue meanies. has anyone else had one. i didn't test it but it was a small blue cap that leaked in the bag an made the bag go all crinckly when it dried out, oh and it tasted putrid. planning on buying the guy out now and saving them for my 80th birthday.
Taste is actually an excellent indication of the presence of MDMA.
Yeah, I think I'd be able to tell it every time - I think I can even tell how strong a pill is now. The only thing is, that wouldn't help a newbie much.
same here.., if i cant test a pill. i'd say 95% of the time, i could tell by taste.. it is unlike any other taste, it can't be faked.
Well... you guys think you can taste it, I dont think I can convince you otherwise.
But I very seriously doubt you can taste chirality of a substance. Shulgin himself couldnt seperate R and S stereo isomers of E chemically. And youre not saying that we could taste weather or not were getting R or S configured E, since we always get a mixture of both. Im not really sure why you brought up chirality.
I had my first cap last weekend. green and gold one (they the best u can get in aussie apparently.) someone said they potent as, NO SHIT!!! had trouble seeing 2 ft in front of me after half an hour after dropping it. The head spins were really strong. Did I like?? Hell yeah!! Im not going back to pills..but then again caps are hard to come by here in aussie. I thought the buzz was a bit differant from the normal bikkies. I heard its cos the caps are cleaner and purer.