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  • Trip Reports Moderator: Xorkoth

Gabapentin + Poppies + Cannabis + Clonazepam - New Experience

panic in paradise

May 3, 2000
shit is unbareable, i whened smoothly, im a almost 20 year chipper, i now take for chronic pain.

i needed to stop the pods, no w/d symptoms, a bit of the creepy crawleys earlier, but not even a runny nose... i need a regular prescriber

i couldnt stand it anymore, so i ate like 5 stems, some seeds, and knucles+afew round of pods, 6 mg kpins, and 400 mg gabba 2 hours later.

3 hours later, i almost sprayed my cig, with my flolia spray bottle for plants to lite my smoke! whhhhhat?!?

+ 200mg gabba , (+,- )20 minutes ago.

the pain is there, yeah it is... but i dont care, i keep laying in bad position and am slouching hard, i should not be doing that, my most pertinent diagnosis is ankylosing spondylitis. the pain isnt really there, but the friction of the bones, pressure from posture, and the rib pain is there, but numbed and awkward feeling... the pain isnt here but i can feel the affected area...


i dont think i will be wetting my smokes, i took 200 more mgs 15 minutes ago. im very mtivated, on it, euphoric to the point of dizziness, but not as sedated and zoned like earlier. i could easily get lost in a mix with my eyes closed, or do some serious precise/tedious indoor horticulture work for the next 3 hours.

for now, ill do ph check, clean the kitchen haha, and make a 'to do' list. the pain is coming and going, sitting where i am hurts, the pressure from the blanket balled up that im leaning on, and my middle back from bending and having pressure applied, being up and moving earlier, it seemed the pain was gone, sitting now, no.

i also developed a head ache and the left side of me head, i rarely get headaches, maybe 3-4 blinding migraines a year, and thats it.

it seems worth adding i also give my self 3 injections of humira a month, every ten days, those lil suckers are $966.00 a piece, i get a 2 pack a freakin walmart for $2,932 lol. when ever its a new clerk they are like WTF?!? ohhh yep, and it helps maybe 33% for the pain, im not susre if its is doing its job of detouring vertebra, and joint fusion.


if i keep moving the pain is more tolerable, sitting still is not good. i feel pretty high, not what i want exactly :\ but i was able to methodically, and pleasurably prune and clear the black berry thorns, and weeds around some perfume roses we have out side.

ive done quit a bit of cleaning also, i havent been able to get to my seedlings/clones though, i might as i said make a list and get on it, heheh maybe, when i wake up.

i dont know if i should take another, to maybe kill some pain so i can be comfortable enough to actually lay long enough to fall asleep... the mm is whats really keeping my mind rightish, and a great deal of inflammation away...

when i do wake up, oh lord... it seems i should take 1200mgs, but the dose i have taken didnt do much except make me not care, which can be bad with this condition, because any damage is permanent, and it is all progressive/progressing.

the front of my ribs arent bothering me like earlier, but the rest of my body, yeah.

it is worth mentioning, that i do slip into a deep sense of peace and contentment... peace and contentment, that is what we all seek in some form. there is a lot going on, and i want peace and contentment in the sense of accomplishment, and some sort of settling, too much is in the air.
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shit is unbareable, i whened smoothly, im a almost 20 year chipper, i now take for chronic pain.

it is worth mentioning, that i do slip into a deep sense of peace and contentment... peace and contentment, that is what we all seek in some form. there is a lot going on, and i want peace and contentment in the sense of accomplishment, and some sort of settling, too much is in the air.

same thing

stop using so much or at all and you'll find peace contentment elsewhere
Edit: CollinGibs, im sorry for my reaction, your advice i spot on, but, im not in this for fun. if the gabbapentin(sp) doesnt work, then its opioids, and TNF pain blockers, and god knows what, for the rest of my life.

no, not the pods, the severe "complex" progressive chronic pain, my spine is fusing, as well as other joints, i have pelvic sclerosis, and bilateral sacroiliitis, as well as osteoarthritis, and even though i take a drug that crashes my immune system; to keep it from attacking my body, my white blood cells; specifically neutrophils and myoblasts are up up up i may be having a bone marrow test the next time i see my hematologist/oncologist, as i get the feeling my WBC's are raging.....

i whened off the pods fine after 4 months of 2-3 a day, i think i still have some, but dont want to mix with the gabba's atm, as im taking klonopin as well.

i slept for 19 hours, separated by 3-4 hours of being awake.

im whacked out, feels like 1 half K, 1 half not gross feeling alcohol. i have never had GHB, but i imagine it must be similar to this.

annnnd its worth mentioning the pills are 400, not 200...! my wife has a script, so do i but i dont have the $140 to fill it, and my rheumetologist can give me a script no problem, monday im sure, but im gonna have to tell her i have been taking them and i need at least 1600-2000 mgs, i cannot stand anything less, and im not sure if this is going to work in the long run, i might just be f'd up, like i said before and not caring. the pain is coming back though, i took 2mg kpin, and 400mg gabba an hour ago.

i am about to take 800 more, as the pain is coming back, and i aint livin through that.


its been about an hour since i took 800 more, imm out of smoke!!!!, and think im going back to bed. another short day for me, but it doesnt get me closer to the 1st any quicker, that clocks a real ticker.
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its been hard, and reckless, but 2000mg spread out doesnt give me hardly any mental or physical effects, except a decent deal of relief to my chest pain; which pretty much controlled my day and out look on life... besides the otjer pain issues, which the gabapentin will not help with.

i have a script for gaba's that a rhuemetologist referred to me by the rhuemy i see regularily, so im calling her in the morning and tellling her; i couldnt bare it any more... she knows very well the pain im in - she tells me things that change my life... and that iam currently taking 2000mgs of gabapentin, it has helped a great deall so far :D and.... can you call it it...

the releif is amazing, so far, i cant tell you... i can be a human again, it terrible constant relentless brilliant pain. now maybe 70-85% is gone, it comes and goes, i cant lift much, like 10 gallon water jugs ;) and stuff like that, i can, but its gonna hurt like a mofo for hours possibly.

hopefully, well, shes offered many times, ill get the script, shes gonna be a bit shocked at the dose level, as most people start at 300mgs... ive had 2800 the past 27 hours. again, im so relieved, i was tiered of the pods, and needed some regularity, they also began making me manic. but i would eat, sleep, and feel like a human again.

i had clones die a week ago because i was so debilitated, and exhausted, i went 2 months where i wouldnt eat or even have an appetite for 3 days, on the third nigh i would make my self eat something, but food was of no concern, now i eat all night, but still am probably at that 45lb drop mark.... my wedding ring used to be tight on my finger, to where i had to move it around often, now it falls up and down between knuckles...

any way, pretty exciting huh? lots and lots of sleep and stupor, then, clarity and reality - not pain and sick - i hope this lasts, most of what ive taken hasnt... except opioids, lyrica, is something i tried, and that began to give me great disphoria, and confusion + aggression, so i stopped that. its odd because the two are very related, but i had quit the opposite affects.

Life Love & Laughter!
stop using so much or at all and you'll find peace contentment elsewhere

I'm sure you realise this by now but PIP's chronic pain is beyond a level that people like you and I can even comprehend. Rest assured, he's not taking the drugs for recreational value ;)

PIP, it is very exciting to read your report. Is this a realistic dose level that you can uphold? Will your rheumy allow it?
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wll, i still have to wait a while and see if it is effective. like i mentioned above, ive 2800 in the past 27 hours, i took the 800 part 1.5 hours ago because the pain was coming back, but its still persisting, i am feeling a bit floaty, but the front of my ribs, each of them are starting to burn, and feel very very brittle and crackly... ugh.

i just smoke like .5g of some trainwreck, and need to move around some, sitting or standing too long, like 20 minutes can start to be bad... hopefully not with this, at this dose, if its going to work, it will work.

they dont like to keep people at that dosage range or up to 3800 because the sideeffects start to overtake, many of which i already have lol, but, yeah no sense making them worse, especially if it doesnt work heh.

all the goddamn! drugs! available! are highly carcinogenic! or are cell mutators! and are not suggested for long term use! but this is a debilitating life long autoimmune disorder + + + then some. no.

bunch of crazy BS. i cant even remember the pain exactly, or describe it, or what goes on half the time when its allowed to be free for lengths of time. a day or several months, 24/7, fkd/no clue concentrate on that little spot on the wall and imagine yourself flying towards and into it, slow, but faster then then particles can gather at - thats the kinda shit i get very lost in while in pain, for days or months, i still cant hardly believe it, i would of never believed some one a few years ago if they told me whats in store, i had a full plate then with the whole medical school hypoglycemic schizoeffective B/P thing. now, scratch school :| , and the hypoglycemia, and add the current.
Panic, have you looked into things like herbal medicine/acupuncture to control some of your symptoms? I can look up some stuff for you if you want, just let me know what you want to specifically control/reduce, etc. pm me or something.

Hope you feel better and find a way to control all that stuff. Sorry to hear about it.
i got my script for the gaba's today, and picked up my humira a tnf pain blocker also... the humira takes 3-4 days to start working, and my script was delayed by like 5 days...

it seems okay so far, it takes like a week or so to see if it will continue to help. the drug is for neuropathic pain, if it is not neuropathic pain, then the gaba wont help, which narrows the actual cause of the pain out. i never had this inperticular chest pain until i was trying a new med for the ankylosing spondolitis etc. i was being given a 2 hour infusion of remicade, half way through it i began having chest pain and called in the nurse............

it begins to rule me, the er gives me 3mgs dilaudid, demerol, ativan, an anti nauseua drug all iv. i told the nurse i take clonazapam, when i asked what i was being given, and she said, "this is different, this is iv..." and then made preperations. i was diagnosed with pleurisy that was in november, and it has persisted, and is persistting atm... but not nothin like before, w/o opioids... i cant or dont want to take them with out a presciber, and am going to the u dub pain clinic in april.

more of the just have to wait and see!

keep it growin!
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I'm sure you realise this by now but PIP's chronic pain is beyond a level that people like you and I can even comprehend. Rest assured, he's not taking the drugs for recreational value ;)

PIP, it is very exciting to read your report. Is this a realistic dose level that you can uphold? Will your rheumy allow it?

no, no pain is chronic. It's all in the mind. Look into it a bit. Outside what meds.com says. Usually these people are hypochondriacs who just get out of control, so the medical system creates "chronic pain" and allows people to get mass amounts of pain pills, in order to reduce black market trading in these medicines. Most people wouldn't have gotten into the "chronic pain", if their attitudes and ways of dealing with their consciousness were aligned with oneness. There are chronic pain clinics all over that are run by pseudodoctors that went to propriatary schools that take in mass people. It's about how you live. You need to change your habits. You need to get up and DO something. If you think about your pain in that way, of course it's going to continually feel worse for you.

Believe me. I've felt some motherfucking pain.

look at this and tell me pain isn't in the mind. http://www.suscons.co.uk/images/coma2.jpg

fuck this country. it's making us all so weak and dependent on outside forces for comfort that they're just giving people copious amounts of unnecessary narcotics and benzos to completely cover up issues until people think that they're in too much pain to stop, which is usually made worse by the withdrawls. Benzos shut off any ability to be self-aware and combined with a shitty attitude and opiates creates an intense lock that is really hard to get out of...

But. I was on 6-8mg klonopin a day and shooting a bundle of dope years ago and stopped everything like that after years of working up to dope from the pills.

I stopped cold turkey off the combo, I haven't touched the shit in years. I've stayed away from the psych meds. My brain and body are better than they were beforehand. Your body requires a healthy soul in order to live. No matter what you perceive that to be..
"no, no pain is chronic. It's all in the mind. Look into it a bit"

are you freaking serious guy?!?

i think you need to look into bilateral sacroiliitis, pelvic sclerosis, osteoarthritis, and ankylosing spondylitis... they are actually "chronic" as in persisting for more then 3 measly months, but these are for life, and are only progrsive, i cant will them away. and then to add insult to injury, add a f'd up reaction to a TNF pain blocker which has caused relentless pain, and a 45lb weight drop. that was in november...

dont come on here acting like your single experince, is the experience for the whole.

i in fact do use meditation, and guided lapses of diversion to help me live through this. not all diseases or autoimmune dissorders are able to be cured, this shit causes your immunesytem to attack your body, and send calcium to fuse your joints, eat the tendins and soft tissue of your joints, chew holes through your bones, and carries the high chance of tumors to grow on your spine(not a good place btw). no, sorry bud, thats not so easy to grin and bare, and as time goes on it only gets worse, its inevitable, it is not going away , there is no healing...

the gabapentin isnt working so well... it comes on and lasts like four hours with a 500mg dose, i went to the ER because it was absolutely unbareable. the dilaudid was a laugh, but they gave me some percocets, and promethazine for the nausea. it feels kicked back like 65% atm, which is plenty good enough for now. i was also prescribed a strong antiacid, and mylanta, what are they thinking, chron's? give me a break.

i guess this can be closed, i mean, the only response i get is from a flamer, and a fellow mod with a bucket of water.

I know of GABA receptors, is that what you are speaking of, or is it a medicine of some form?
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gabapentin or neurotin, it is used primarily for epileptics, and the 2nd choice next to lyrica for fibromyalgia. cme and lyrica didnt agree, so it stays on the shelf.

i was trying to sleep, but any position that i would stay in more then 5 minutes would start to hurt, the weight of my body on the mattress especially, besides my chest and squeezing the pillow against it, or my hands laying on it. so, im up! and going to get mmj clones innnn 6 or 7 hours, and its a 4-5 hours long car ride... thats going to be punishing, just sitting on this oversized cushy smooth couch is nad enough lol - not...!

but well worth it, in like, 5 months hahah. but, a lot of work and waiting in the mean time!
Darn you ;) you had me wondering how you could possibly be dosing with GABA. Making me think you were dissecting brains and dosing with the psychoactive sections.

no, haha, nothing fun at all going on, except the maybe the mmj, when it not to f'n painful to tend to my plants...

but, i think the past few days have so extra intense, because my body isnt fully acclimated yet to the gaba, and so when the pill kicks in it dumbs my nerves down ig time,,, then, after a few hours when it seems like it would be wearing off, the pain becomes unbearable, ive still only managed to sleep 2 hours since the day before yesterday, i think... so to help retain the ebb of nerve sensation suppression, im going to try 400mg, then 200mg 4 hours or so later repeat once, then 200mg more will be 2000 for the day, with 'lifts' in between the larger doses.

but i think it was the medicated blondie i ate, mMm , and the mk ultra, that finally caught me some zzZ's.

idk, i hope, o boy do i hope, that this starts to help. i think id need to be struck by lightning to really knock this ache out once and for all...!

Life Love & Laughter!

Edit and on... the antacid seems to help, but im exhausted, and out of percs+low on mmj, and those two really what keep me up and un overwhelmed enough to function enough to do simple things around here, or make it through the grocery store etc.

the gabapentin still drop off, and ive been taking 200 when it does, which im about to do now, and then go back to sleep...
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