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First time MDMA without any serotonic medications in my system


Jan 18, 2015
About 3,5 hours ago, I plugged 75 mg MDMA, and then 3 hours ago, another 150 mg. I am about 230 lbs and 6 feet tall.

My effects: I got speeded, a bit happy and empathic toward otherrs. No strong euphoria whatsoever.

Why do you this I got no stronger effect than this? I have some ideas:

A) My SNR) (Effexor) and NaSSA (Mirtazapine/Remeron) still blocks the effect after several weaks without them.

B) I took too little to begin with.

D) I took too little in total.

E) I've used heroin today. Perhaps that's why I didn't get the euphoria?

F) There wasn't actually 75 + 150 mg in the pills.

best regards, and please answer which hypothesis from A-F is more likely and your own. I really want to get a true MDMA/Serotonin-rush some day, so I will try again and do better the next time.
OK, this sucked hard. I don't kno why.

Maybe alot of >MDMA remained in the powder left after I sucked the liquid out of it? MDMA is supposed to be very soluble in water, so I took for granted that the powder left contained close to zero percent MDMA.
Hi. The medication is out of the picture after 3 weeks for sure. Your pill could have been low quality, cut with something or not MDMA at all. Have you tested them with reagents?
A portion of the MDMA could be 'trapped' in non-soluble material too but I don't think this is the case, though.