what about if i want to make a thread about how i was apart of some MK Ultra experiment when i was a child and how i was told the real history of earth.
like one of the things i was told i remember from this you tube video that was put on my you tube feed for the first time a couple days after i was posting about all the weird high pitch guitar people are doing now days in the metal thread this video really started to fuel my thoughts about conspiracy theories again. it's about gas powered amplifiers, and i was told that gasoline and battery powered amplifiers were invented for stringed instruments an unknown amount of centuries ago and metal was actually invented over centuries and worshipped as "music of the crow". they only had this in certain parts of the world that would leak more gas from the ground or had access to batteries. they invented all this stuff cause the gas was confusing them. these areas understanding of science was actually 1000's or millions of years ahead of what we really think. i actually will conspire in the thread about how i believe the 1900's and 2000's is a repeated simulation that is now being done to survey what people make for new art and music..
my post is pretty much brief descriptions of what went on in the past with technology and also a comparison of modern music to what you tube and historians claim is the most ancient music, how i believe people like elon musk were actually MK ultra type experiments in their childhood because of what i remember from my childhood (could be dellusions), possible techology from aliens because people aren't that smart, and also my thoughts which i'm now remembering more thinking about how Elon Musk wants to colonize mars. just a lot about flaws i see in technology.. i think a lot of people won't be into my disbelief in science and might not want to read this. like i feel like people might not believe me but think it's funny that i believe that the troubles in africa and the middle east might just be a way to keep civilized people out of the area, and there are actually military bases with dinosaurs that they don't want anyone to find... they bury dinosaur bones every thousand or so years with a secret art that makes them look millions of years old so people can find them again thinking that the 1900's is really the pinacle of modern technology. global warming and the whole in the ozone is really false readings, and they burn so much trash every thousand or so years to start the 1900's. lol
i wrote about this in some other threads, but i was actually doubting myself in terms of believing i was in apart of some MK ultra thing.. maybe i'm on some dellusional kick, but i think it's fun to think about... there's some stuff i'm remembering now that i didn't write about, so i want to get into this a little more.. i notice there's not even all the same members of the site when i was writing last year, so i'm sorry if it's the same mods that remember all the stuff i'm saying and it bores them, but i know some people liked my posts at least thinking it was entertaining that someone thinks that way..
the thing is people on the internet on another message board told me a lot of this stuff that led me to believe all this stuff about my past and how i should be doubting history.. they told me i was mk ultra'd as people say, and that we were in a simulation. after them telling me about gas powered amplifiers, i thought about a lot of the stuff that would make sense if the history of electronics took a million years instead of a hundred years like people claimed happened in the 1900's.... the reason why people started telling me this was because i believed that the 1900's were the real coming of christ and christ wasn't a person it was a time period and that's why the mayan calender was predicted around 2012 and islam people some times say music will be the end of time, because all music and technology will be created and then everything would just be on a different new level forever.. these people really shut my idea that something religious was happening down. if i really think i'm thinking logically, i would think that history isn't what people say it is, and i want to make a thread that might convince people why, although i doubt i will.
also i feel like people might think this is a way to plug my music or art, which is totally is, but even if i didn't have art or music, i think the jurrassic park actually exists or they have dinosaurs they bring from another planet is some crazy shit. i totally buy into it, and even if most people don't believe me or even all people don't believe me, i think some people like going "This person is kind of crazy" and they find it interesting. i see how it's a turn off to some people too... about my art and music too, i feel like it makes it interesting that a person might believe that their art is coming from something they were tought as a child instead of they are making it themselves. it gives me a kind of odd feeling about what i'm doing.
soo.. sorry if this is already TL,DR for some people, WHICH SECTION SHOULD I POST IN??? seems like i don't even have enough facts for the dive, the longue might get a lot of views but this might be too serious and people even think it belongs in the dark side cause i'm so far out with drugs and schizophrenia or it's a story about people messing with a schizophrenic person's head, also i really think it could just fit as a story in the "words" section of the site.. like i'm not even trying to say it's real, i'm just writing science fiction. that's all i'm really trying to do is write something people might think of like science fiction on some level. cause i go with post modern philosophy and doubt everything that i think, i have no real true thoughts i think are reality. i entertain the idea anything could be happening. like i'd like to believe we are living in the times of christ and all this new technology will make the world better.. me conspiring about how the 1900's is a simulation for some type of occult illuminati CIA thing actually contains some scary thoughts. it's definitely disturbing.
i'm gonna write my story anyways and post it some where on the net even if it's not wanted on blue light.. i'll probably also post it on my you tube, although i don't advertise my you tube on this site for personal reasons. i have a couple views on that. they are probably sick of hearing it too. lol.