FINALLY have worked out a "do it yourself" Spotify


Apr 3, 2020
It doesn't sound that impressive unless you bear in mind that my iphone is ANCIENT - I think it's an iphone 9 - and Apple, thugs that they are, have made all their apps incompatible with old phones.

I really missed me old Spotify app, and recently the damn phone won't even play you tube.

Anyway, using an "android emulator" program on my PC, I managed to download a YouTube downloader app (yes, You Tube can get fucked too ...).

It's called "iTube". It's pretty amazing, actually. No matter how obscure my search, it would produce the song and download it in 2 secs flat (and as of yet, my laptop has not crashed from viruses ... touch wood!

But there were many more hurdles to come.

My old phone will not pair with my new laptop. Even if I plug my phone into a USB port, the laptop will not acknowledge its existence.

So I couldn't bluetooth the fucking Mp3s from my PC to my phone.

The low point was when attempted to instal icloud on my PC, since I have icloud on my phone ... but as usual, iCloud was about as helpful as tits on a singlet.

Then I thought, well, the only thing my phone WILL do is let me send and receive emails from an icloud account.

So I attached my illegal Mp3s to a series of emails, and emailed them to that muthafucker! (meaning my phone).

It was a bit fiddly as you can't email more than 2 or 3 Mp3s all at once ... but never mind ...the phone was forced to let me open the emails. It even let me download the Mp3s.

Yet that sadistic bitch of an iphone9 still had one or two cunt's tricks up its sleeve. The only place it would let me store my Mp3s was "Notes".FUCKFACE!

It seemed very unlikely that "Notes" would want to know anything about sound files,and I almost quit then - but then I thought, oh fuck, I've been doing this for hours I took a deep breath and "shared" the Mp3s with Notes". Amazingly, they not only showed up as "notes", but actually played.

I was beginning to feel like I was really owning that fucking horrible phone at last ... until I noticed that the phone was creating a new note for every bloody mp3 I sent.

In short, I was to be denied a playlist.

So I opened a NEW blank note, named it "DESPITE ALL", and grimly copied, cut and pasted every one of those Mp3s into "DESPITE ALL"

It took hours but I now have a long and lovely playlist stored in "Notes", so the phone is, at last, totally my bitch.
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Lol, apple are such cunts.
I went to android after owning the iphone 3gs, and 4. Never looked back.

I can't belive they do such fuckery as making apps unavailable on older models, and stopping phones pairing to computers etc

No wonder steve jobs died. You should never speak ill of the dead (apart from pedophiles etc) but he is a class A cunt and NOT THE GOOD KIND
Lol, apple are such cunts.
I went to android after owning the iphone 3gs, and 4. Never looked back.

I can't belive they do such fuckery as making apps unavailable on older models, and stopping phones pairing to computers etc

No wonder steve jobs died. You should never speak ill of the dead (apart from pedophiles etc) but he is a class A cunt and NOT THE GOOD KIND
Lol, apple are such cunts.
I went to android after owning the iphone 3gs, and 4. Never looked back.

I can't belive they do such fuckery as making apps unavailable on older models, and stopping phones pairing to computers etc

No wonder steve jobs died. You should never speak ill of the dead (apart from pedophiles etc) but he is a class A cunt and NOT THE GOOD KIND
Do old android phones get to have apps?

Fuck Apple, if that is the cas. My next phone will certainly be an android ....
Do old android phones get to have apps?

Fuck Apple, if that is the cas. My next phone will certainly be an android ....
Yeah fuck apple
Some app providers/makers are also cunts and dont let android users get newest version but that isnt down to android
Android would never stop a new version of OS syncing with pc etc though, afaik