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Feeling less high on same dose?


Mar 3, 2014
This is just me rambling and wondering if anyone else ever feels more or less high on the same dosage of certain substances based on the day or what they are doing when high and if so, why??

Like right now I am experimenting with Fluro-Phenibut the RC which I really like, and also a little bit of Kratom, and when the F-Phenibut arrived in the mail on Thursday I got SUPER high on the same dosage I took today.

I took it and felt AMAZING and then worked out for hours which increased my high, so I guess that could be a factor as to why I am less high on it today because I didn't work out.

Now today I took some Kratom with my F-Phen dosage but the Kratom kind of messed with my high and didn't work well for some reason (I think I took too much) and I didn't work out but for some reason I am SO much less high on the same exact dosage of F-Phenibut so WHY???!!!

Instead of feeling all jacked up and energized and great like I did when I worked out on this dosage the other day, today I just feel tired and lethargic from the same dose and not very good at all!!!

I just don't understand why I felt so great on this dosage the other day but not great at all today and I am hoping to figure out why this is so I can have more good highs on F-Phenibut and Kratom in the future.

One key certainly may be to work out on them, as I've found this really increases my euphoria. Also, I slept poorly last night but slept well the other day before I got high so that could also be a factor, but I've also had Kratom get me really high on days following a poor night's sleep so I just don't know.

If anyone else experiences this, regardless of what drug you get it on, and have advice as to how to increase one's high and why I might feel better on the same dosage of a drug one day than another, then let me know.

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It just sounds like a combination of factors. Rest, natural endorphins (from working out), combining it with other substances, and tolerance is going to alter the effects and perceived potency. I dont think you'll be able to pinpoint it on any one thing, but everything you mentioned could impact the effects.

I've personally had very mixed results when trying to combine kratom with other drugs, and I usually prefer not to. Kratom had kappa opioid receptor activity which can actually block rewarding effects. I definitely can't say for sure if that's part of the problem, but it's an idea. Also, kratom has tons of alkaloids that aren't well characterized, so some just might not jive well with certain drugs in certain circumstances. It's all just really difficult to say for sure.

So, short answer, any number of things that you mentioned could have caused the huge difference in effects. I also wouldn't rule out tolerance.
It just sounds like a combination of factors. Rest, natural endorphins (from working out), combining it with other substances, and tolerance is going to alter the effects and perceived potency. I dont think you'll be able to pinpoint it on any one thing, but everything you mentioned could impact the effects.

I've personally had very mixed results when trying to combine kratom with other drugs, and I usually prefer not to. Kratom had kappa opioid receptor activity which can actually block rewarding effects. I definitely can't say for sure if that's part of the problem, but it's an idea. Also, kratom has tons of alkaloids that aren't well characterized, so some just might not jive well with certain drugs in certain circumstances. It's all just really difficult to say for sure.

So, short answer, any number of things that you mentioned could have caused the huge difference in effects. I also wouldn't rule out tolerance.

Tolerance for which substance, Kratom or F-Phenibut?

Cause I don't have much tolerance for either at the moment since I hadn't done them for 10 months as of Thursday for the F-Phen and yesterday for the Kratom.

As for Kratom "blocking rewarding effects", what do you mean?

How can the Kratom high be enjoyable like it often is if it blocks rewarding effects?

And just curious, but what would you do to try to ensure a better experience in the future?

Would you just try to figure out different factors which have led to good or bad experiences in the past and try to simulate them again, like keeping track of dosage, what done under the influence, etc?
