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Evicerating my mind


Nov 2, 1999
I'd free my mind if I hadn't already realized the cage was empty.
That what was once sanity has ran away with its mischievous counterpart to the other side of town.
And what is to claim the constraints of sanity.
And what is to claim the constraints of anything.
But we need constraints to control what it is were looking at, or else it will run away.
Constraints give us a chance to rummage through the relevent and the inane
the brilliant and the insane.
Oh joy for that if it really means shit.
Quality means what we want it to mean at any given day or time.
Pick up a radical thought, give it some fresh soil to bloom and before you know it people bend down to smell it like a common rose.
How nice and cliche it soon becomes delivered on valentines days around the world.
Thats why anything pointless is as pointless as you want it to be.
Anything pointless is as relevent as say the
"budget defecit"
So why say anything at all?
Because we can, and once one realizes that if none of it is important, then one can realize that it all is important.
And that its the fact that we feel these thoughts, not the fact that we think them.
Its really all what we feel, no matter how hard we try to conceal our native instincts with logic, we're all just humping like dogs.
If anything I do drugs to appreciate reality.