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Ever skip school to smoke?

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Ason Unique

Jul 8, 2008
Anyone else ever do this, I just did it today, had a crazy time, was basically high the whole time. First we had to chill at my friend's house and then wait in the backyard of some random house until my mom left, so we could go to mine. When I get to my house I smoked a fat 3.5 gram blunt with 3 other people was crazy. Then we ordered pizza and ate it, fucking friends were jacking my food and shit eating it got me pissed off lol. I'm scared that I'm gonna get caught because I have abscenses
I don't mean to sound corny, but you only get 1 chance to succeed in school and take advantage of your education. You can smoke bud for the rest of your life.

Go to class.
It was just one day, I wanted to do it once, my friends had to beg me to go, as I was apprehensive.
Second semester 10th grade, i smoked IN school everyday. I skipped 4th period most that semester with a friend of mine to go get high. I failed every class too.

My advice, smoke weed before/after you get out of school. Only before if your like me and had "team sports" "lifting" "PE" first period most of the time.
straight up im a junior in high school and i just got expelled for skipping school and coming back chopped. it was like my third strike long story but ya i used to like all the time before that, mostly smoking before school though and going through the whole day nice and happy
straight up im a junior in high school and i just got expelled for skipping school and coming back chopped. it was like my third strike long story but ya i used to like all the time before that, mostly smoking before school though and going through the whole day nice and happy
How did they find out you were fucked up? Are you dropping out? At my old high school if you got expelled you had to drop out or go to a type of 'reform school'.
well what happened was there was about to be a pep fest so this senior in my class asked if i wanted to skip it and go smoke a joint, i said hell ya. we usually just leave a pen in a side door and come back in that way but as we were walking back to school a cop was creepin on us so we had to go in the main door. as we came in we were walked to the pep fest and the head admin was sitting there and me and the kid split up and the admin followed him. i thought we were good but we had joint fingers and forgot to wash our hands. the admin folled him and got a whiff and then came and found me next hour. the dam kid said we were smoking like an idiot so even though i denied it all the way i still got a strike and it was my last one for the district. and now i just do internet school and work all day its actually pretty nice i am excited to go back to school once the year expulsion is up though
I skipped a class (university) because I thought 4 hours would have been enough for the effects to wear off from smoking previously.... but they didn't whoops. It would have been way worse for me to show up altered than to not go.
I did go to yoga stoned once, that was interesting. The prof knew, half way through the class while I was deep in a tree pose, struggling which isn't like me, she whispered in my ear 'You are too adorable, but you might want to lay off some habits before coming to my class'.
LOL i used to skip school all the time. i was one of the stoner kids "school is for fools" not anymore though.. i realized what wungchow posted and stopped. at one point i wasnt at school for a month straight. but now this year i have missed like 2 days due to dentist. dont skip school it will ruin your future, and become a very bad habbit
I've never skipped a class to get high but there have been a few times before class where I've gotten high and then decided I was way too high to go to class anymore lol.
ive been kinda light on the shitty topics lately but this is the kinda stuff that belongs in a blog. these "have you ever..." topics gotta go. seriously, this is cannabis discussion at bluelight not the beanbag chair at stonertalk420.com
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