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Caramel cutie

May 23, 2000
I really thought i loved myself!
I thought i knew who i was , what i wanted and i believed i could have it all!
I really thought that i was clear and balanced and spritual as all get out.
I knew i was tired and restless.
I knew it was hard for me to see, to hear and to keep still.
But it wasn't because i didn't love myself.
It was because i had so many wonderful things to do.
Then, one day i crashed........ and i cried as i came face to face with the truth;
I didn't know how to love myself at all.....
What i was really good at was giving pieces of me to people, causes and conditions and even situations.
So today i sat,
And i waited for the love to return.
It did .. from family and friends
But not from the person i once lived every moment for.
ÇåRãmË£ çûtíë
ÇåRãmË£ çûtíë
This was really something...
This is the exact same feeling that I've had for the past some months. I feel sorry for you.
But now you see who truly are your friends, and who really cares.
Take good care of that, and let them teach you to love yourself again...And be a better person for it :)
It can only get better!
Wow that touched me!!!
I've been there and experiencing the same.
Nothing beats family and friends!!!!
Awesome!! I think that everyone has gone through something like this before, and you were actually able to put it into words!!
"3 is a magic number"
Just thought i'd boost my post. :O)
Love and hugz........
"Woman, the source of man's confusion."
ÇåRãmË£ çûtíë
Hey...dont feel alone...sometimes we give and give, forgetting about ourselves. And when you decide to take a step back and look at everything around you, you find out who are aquaintances, friends and true friends. I was amazed when I did it. But dont stop making ppl happy, to me the reward of seeing them happy is greater than receiving...just dont spread yourself thin.
"Our life is towards happiness"
it's a killer poem i will remember it cos thats the way i feel about this girl who fuct me over but she doesnt care it's hard to change a person when u can see that they're in so much pain and u live every moment for them and give mad insite and advice but things happen and everything worx out to everyone's own advantage so put effort in your days and something good will come of it eveb if its just a lesson its something you gain. ~P*L*U*R*~
what you believe in is what you love and also become yourself