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*~~Emotionally Imbalanced~~*


Jul 19, 2000
*Emotionally Imbalanced*
my heart is like a broken plate
broken to pieces, filled up with hate
weary and sad my eyes shed thy tears
mad and had i run from my fears
the tables have turned, im on the other side
no chance for forgiveness, you cannot hide
i know what you've done, you've broken my heart
i should've taken precaution from the very start
i'm bruised and crushed like a piece of melting ice
you know it wasn't meant to be when it happens twice
looking at pictures that bring up memeries of you
wanting to rip them up in two
crying at night, i wonder what I've done
what did i do to deserve this pun
i was honest and kind, did all that you asked
for all of this i get kicked in the ass
its like a slap in the face, a feeling of disgrace
what have i done to deserve this
i'm confused and scared for what might be
the thought that you have permanently lost me
i loved you to death, would do anything for you
now you have broken my heart in two
*when someone cheated on me, this about sums it up
Open up to see the inner-child.....let the good times ROLL
unfortunately I know exactly how you feel.
Dream what you want to dream, Go where you want to go,
Be what you want to be, you've got one life and one chance
so make the most of it.. :)